Dota 2: How to play Queen of Pain in patch 7.21

Hướng dẫn chơi Queen of Pain

Queen of Pain is slowly returning to the meta. After being buffed continuously in many patches, Queen of Pain is now more popular and has achieved much success in high rank pub matches. In the professional arena, this hero is chosen depending on the development of the draft.

queen of pain - Emergenceingame


Nearly every aspect of the hero has been tweaked. In addition to losing 5 movement speed, QoP is now stronger thanks to the buffed Intelligence and Agility, slightly stronger spells while consuming less mana. Meanwhile, the hero’s armor was increased by one in the latest patch. Both of these buffs are not considered too strong, but if they combine, it will make QoP much stronger.

The general meta changes have made for some interesting experiments. Keen Gaming’s KG – he didn’t lift Blink, we even had many players try Greaves, mimicking Shadow Fiend’s playstyle.

This flexibility is why QoP has become so popular and successful: QoP is 100% a tempo hero, but this hero can create space through ganks and pressure across the map with his teammates. , depending on your squad. Lately, Queen of Pain has been picked primarily in the professional scene for her burst damage kit.


queen of pain 1 - Emergenceingame

Mid heroes are usually the final draft picks in pubs and most pro games. You should pick QoP when the team needs damage in teamfights and unleash the potential of ganking. You can change the Queen of Pain to Greaves to put pressure on the map if the draft suddenly changes during the last picks. But currently, pro players only choose this hero with the Orchid Malevolence build.

QoP’s skill set is pretty decent: most players choose 1-1-3 at level 5 for maximum burst damage. Some in the 2-1-2 direction is also another option, if level 2 Shadow Strike can make a difference in mid. Hero has some strange builds: like level 3 early Shadow Strike or skip Blink, but we shouldn’t go this way: very few people go up that way and we can’t figure out why.

As for how to play, Queen of Pain is still an extremely risky hero, but the rewards are also very high. Just one or two random deaths will put Queen of Pain out in the game, so this hero needs to be played very safely.

Slow but steady, win a small advantage, only participate in ganks when you can guarantee success. Rotate proactively when ultimate is ready and try to use blink to escape instead of initiating combat: optimizing damage first means your Blink isn’t maxed out, at least up to level 10 – in the enemy’s heart When you don’t have a way to escape, it means suicide.


Unlike heroes like Lina, Ember Spirit or Templar Assassin, Queen of Pain is not really strong in the later stages of the game. This hero has no hard disable, damage does not increase with items, nor the ability to harass targets. However, the Queen of Pain has an extremely expensive Level 25 Talent and there is always a way to get it early. (Talent 25 Scream of Pain will add 1.5 seconds Fear)

With her lane push AoE and 6-second Blink, Queen of Pain can effectively split-push. If you can’t finish the game or take full map control through teamfight effectively in the first 20-25 minutes of the match, you can start to switch to interrupting the opponent and farming experience solo.

As the game drags on, especially with the current bull hero meta, Queen of Pain loses its damage factor, but can bring a lot to the team once it reaches level 25. Play it safe for approx. from level 19 to 25, especially when you’re behind. Farm slowly, build up more items, and take advantage of the 1.5s AoE disable of Scream of Pain’s 7-second cooldown.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: How to play Queen of Pain in patch 7.21

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