Dota 2: Analysis of 7.19c update on heroes getting nerfed before the new DPC season

Dota 2: Analysis of 7.19c update on heroes getting nerfed before the new DPC season
- Emergenceingame

The Kuala Lumpur Major Regional Qualifiers are less than a week away, Officially kicking off the Dota 2 2018-2019 DPC season. With all the open qualifiers taking place this week, IceFrog and Valve have probably been watching. nerfs of patch 7.19b and realized they didn’t make much of an impact. Therefore, they decided to go one step further. And so Dota 2 patch 7.19c appeared. This is a patch that focuses on nerfs and all the heroes that are dominating the pro and pub arenas will be executed. Let’s take a look at the main nerfs in these 7.19c:

Nerf Item

- Emergenceingame

Blade Mail: Cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds
Blade Mail: bonus armor reduced from 6 to 5

This is a direct nerf to Wraith King. Wraith King usually Blinks and turns on Blade Mail. Even if the hero dies, Reincarnation will resurrect the Wraith King and in most cases Blade Mail will be used right away. 5 seconds is quite a long time, not to mention the lEHP is also reduced by 6% due to 1 armor reduction.

Nerf Hero


- Emergenceingame

Clinkz: Base Strength reduced by 2
Clinkz: Searing Arrows manacost increased from 10 to 12
Clinkz: Level 20 Talent reduced from 20 Health Regen to 16
Clinkz: Level 25 Talent reduced from +4 seconds Strafe to +3 seconds

Personally, I think the nerf is strongest with Clinkz and Searing Arrow costs 2 more mana. Gone are the days when players went to Orchid Malevolence on Clinkz. Usually Clinkz now builds damage like Desolator, Diffusal or Maelstrom and then Sythe of Vyse. Until Sythe is ready, Clinkz must keep Clarity flasks with him at all times. Now this pot will increase even more. Also, reducing base strength will make the hero weaker in lane. Talent-related nerfs are really not too concerned.

2. Dark Willow

- Emergenceingame

Dark Willow: Brambles damage reduced from 140/180/220/260 to 125/150/175/200
Dark Willow: Shadow Realm cooldown increased from 30/24/18/12 to 32/26/20/14
Dark Willow: Cursed Crown stun duration reduced from 2/2.5/3/3.5 to 1.75/2.25/2.75/3.25
Dark Willow: Bedlam damage reduced from 60/120/180 to 60/110/160

4 out of 5 years Dark Willow’s abilities are nerfed in 7.19c. Bramble Maze and Bedlam’s damage is heavily reduced. IceFrog continues to toy with Bedlam’s damage. There was a time when this hero seemed too strong and when he was nerfed, no one wanted to pick Willow. Hopefully, 7.19c has found a balance for Dark Willow.

3. Earthshaker

- Emergenceingame

Earthshaker: Root now disables this hero’s Scepter ability

Changes to Earthshaker are only one line, but this is probably one of 7.19c’s strongest nerfs. Going green costs 4200 gold not only giving Earthshaker a way to initiate combat despite taking damage, but also a way to avoid rooting and, if necessary, stun enemy heroes. It’s like a basic dispel against root, but better! A move like this (5 seconds cooldown at first, then 3 seconds when talent is available) needs to be nerfed and this is what Valve did. Scepter still gives Earthshaker the ability to initiate teamfights despite taking damage, so we still have a reason to continue to green stick for this hero.

4. Grimstroke

- Emergenceingame

Grimstroke: Ink Swell no longer renders the target unaffected (immune to attack)
Grimstroke: Ink Swell will no longer be silenced and disarms
Grimstroke: Soulbind duration increased from 4/6/8 seconds to 6/8/10 seconds

The increased Soulbind duration is a good buff. But Ink Swell no longer negates attacks, making it very different to use. Cast it on Vengeful Spirit and she swaps it straight into the enemy’s lap. But the target subject to Ink Swell is now no longer immune so it deals damage and can kill the hero.

5. Silencer

- Emergenceingame

Silencer: Last Word damage changed from 150/200/250/300 to 120/180/240/300
Silencer: Arcane Curse manacost increased from 105/115/125/135 to 125/130/135/140
Silencer: Global Silence manacost increased from 250/375/500 to 300/450/600

The time is coming when Arcane Cruse will use 80-90% of Silencer’s mana. Unless this hero starts the game very well and steals a lot of intelligence, manacost will be a big problem for Silencer. Arcane Curse’s manacost was increased in both patches, 7.19b and 7.19c, its cost increased from 75/95/15/135 to 125/130/135/140. Arcane Curse is mainly used in the laning phase and that’s where it comes into play! If this hero can’t help you win lane, then Silencer is no longer considered a good hero in the current meta.

6. Spectre

- Emergenceingame

Specter: Desolate radius increased from 375 to 500
Specter: Dispersion changed from 10/14/18/22% to 7/12/17/22%
Specter: Haunt Manacost increased from 150 to 150/200/250
Specter: Level 10 Talent changed from +15 Desolate damage to +4 all stats
Specter: Level 15 Talent changed from +8 All Stats to +15 Desolate Damage
Specter: Level 25 Talent reduced from +8% Dispersion to +6%

This could be the end of Specter, at least for now. Desolate’s radius before 7.19b was 325. With patch 7.19c, it increased to 500. We can forget about the ability to activate this ability while ganking all enemy heroes, unless someone is on the other side. are traveling alone. That’s still not enough for Desolate. +15 Desolate damage now goes to level 15 and replaces it at level 10 + 4 All stats. According to Dotabuff, this talent is picked 45%, but has a 57% win rate. It helps a lot in the early game farming, when Specter has to retreat to the jungle at the end of the laning phase. This will make farming more difficult. But level 15 for this talent is probably too late. Haunt’s mana cost increase also makes Specter more difficult, due to her low mana. Although the Dispersion nerf is not considered the heaviest, but when combined with other nerfs, 7.19c is probably the most terrifying patch for Specter!

7. Ursa

- Emergenceingame

Ursa: Fury Swipes bonus damage per hit reduced from 15/20/25/30 to 12/18/24/30
Ursa: Earthshock damage reduced from 90/140/190/240 to 50/100/150/200
Ursa: Enrage Damage multiplier changed from 1.5/1.75/2.0 to 1.4/1.7/2.0

Ursa’s entire match depends on Fury Swipe’s damage, and that includes the laning phase. Overall, this nerf is not as formidable as Specter or Wraith King, the amount of damage in the early levels of Fury Swipe really affects Ursa’s ability to kill in lane. It includes a 40 damage reduction from Earthshock, which is no longer important in the late game, but can make the difference between taking kills and letting opponents escape in the laning phase.

8. Vengeful Spirit

- Emergenceingame

Vengeful Spirit: Movement speed reduced by 5
Vengeful Spirit: Magic Missile’s flight speed reduced from 1250 to 900

Magic Missle’s flight speed is reduced, causing the stun to fly like a turtle. This creates many opportunities for the opponent to dodge stuns, such as invisibility, or using moves like Shadow Realm or Shadow Dance, blinking, and turning on Manta to dodge. Manta and Eul used to dodge Magic Missle are now easier with Magic Missle’s flight speed slowed. In some cases, it is possible that you will miss the stun because the opponent can teleport away. Too terrible!

9. Weaver

- Emergenceingame

Weaver: Base Intelligence reduced by 2
Weaver: Swarm cooldown increased from 35/30/25/20 to 44/36/28/20
Weaver: Time Lapse cooldown increased from 60/50/40 to 70/55/40
Weaver: Level 10 Talent changed from +20 Mana Break to +7 Strength
Weaver: Level 15 Talent changed from +12 Strength to +20 Mana Break

Luckily for Weaver, Shukuchi was left untouched in 7.19c. The biggest loss will be the loss of talent +20 Mana Break at level 10, according to Dotabuff, this talent is selected to 67%. Combined with Diffusal, plus Geminate, this hero will destroy opponents especially in the early game against supports. In return, Weaver can now choose the +35% XP talent to get more to reach level 15 sooner and get himself the +20 Mana Break talent. Things are not hell with Weaver. Maybe players will want to prioritize Swarm level earlier than before, you try to look at the cooldown time to understand.

10. Wraith King

- Emergenceingame

Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast stun duration changed from 2 seconds to 1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0 seconds
Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast base damage changed from 50/100/150/200 to 100
Wraith King: Wraithfire Blast DPS changed from 20/35/50/65 to 10/30/50/70
Wraith King: Vampiric Aura now only works for melee heroes

Patch 7.19c seems to have disabled Wraith King in the laning phase. Wraith King became popular in the meta for his lane winning skills, with Wraithfire Blast playing a key role. But this hero has just been ‘knocked down’ with three nerfs in one move. At level 1, the damage increased from 90 to 120. But the stun duration is now halved from before, the extra damage really doesn’t matter. At level 4, damage is reduced from 330 to 240. This is the hardest time for Wraith King.

Now, with the regional qualifiers only a few days away, the possibility of teams changing tactics is really not high. But as the qualifiers progress, players will realize the impact that nerfs have and gradually change their picks. But what really changes the meta will be when IceFrog comes out with the patch everyone has been waiting for: 7.20!

According to Vpesports

Source link: Dota 2: Analysis of 7.19c update on heroes getting nerfed before the new DPC season

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