Distinguish POP3, IMAP and Exchange when setting up email protocol

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POP3, IMAP, and Exchange are email concepts you may have heard of. These are the email protocol concepts you need to know for your work. Taimienphi will introduce you to some definitions of these email protocols

Email is one of the most popular means of information exchange today. Through email, Internet users can send and receive messages to each other. Not only limited to text lines, with the development of current technology, email has been able to attach large multimedia files for work, study and communication.

Enable pop3 imap and exchange when setting up the email protocol

Before going into understanding the concepts of POP3, IMAP or Exchange, we need to go into understanding some of today’s mail browsing methods. Webmail and Email client

Distinguish between Email client and Webmail

In fact, when you use email with mail services such as Hotmail, Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo mail, etc., you will access these services on the web, conduct management, browse mail, send mail, all All operations performed on the web are called webmail. When you use email services through software that supports mail browsing installed on your computer such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird… will be called Email client . For example, when you sign up for gmail, you will have to use a browser like Chrome or Coc Coc to log in to gmail to send and receive emails.

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Basically, Email client and Webmail both serve the purpose of email browsing, only different in access and approach methods. With webmail, all operations will be done in the browser and directly on that email service, and with Email client, you will browse mail with a software installed on your computer, through an intermediary connection, Email browsing on email clients will still take place normally.

Email Protocol POP3

POP (Post Office Protocol) – is a protocol for sending and receiving emails on a mail server through a TCP/IP connection. The POP protocol downloads an Offline version of the email from the email’s server and stores it on the user’s local storage. The POP3 protocol is developed with more advanced additional features.

Enable pop3 imap and exchange when setting up 3 email protocol

Example of POP3: When you receive an email, the mail server will receive it, the email client on your computer will connect to the mail server, download an offline copy and display it on your interface at the same time. Time to delete email on the server. The advantage of this connection protocol is that users can browse mail when there is no network connection

IMAP protocol

IMAP (Internet Massage Access Protocol) – is a more complex email sending and receiving protocol than POP, but it brings many conveniences. The user will request the content through the email client, the content will be retrieved by the client service and cached on your computer, all processing operations such as adding, editing, deleting, searching for objects, etc. with that email will be recorded by the email client service and transferred to the server to record and save the status.

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The advantage of IMAP is that you can manage the same inbox on multiple devices, your email operations will be recorded on the server and synced to all logged in devices. You can also view content on email faster because you only need to download content and cache it instead of downloading the entire content to save locally like POP, so resources on your computer are also saved.

However, you will not be able to work with email if you are not connected to the network.

Below is a diagram that distinguishes the basic differences between POP and IMAP

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Microsoft Exchange

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This is a protocol created by Microsoft similar to IMAP and POP. Your email will communicate with the email client through Microsoft Exchange Server and synchronized similar to IMAP, this feature is called Exchange Activesync .

Microsoft Exchange technology also has the same features and operating mechanism as IMAP, but is proprietary to Microsoft.

Above is some information to distinguish mail delivery protocols such as POP, IMAP or Exchange. Hopefully with the above information, you can choose for yourself the protocols and ways of browsing mail that suit your needs and the device you own. In case you do not have an account, you can see the instructions for registering an email to create your own account.

Author: Nguyen Thuy Thanh
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– Emergenceingames.com

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