Distinguish CC and BCC in email

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Distinguishing cc and bcc in email helps you visualize the trick of sending email to mass recipients in Gmail. Understanding the meaning of CC and BCC, you will have a more effective email marketing campaign

Usually when sending mail you are only interested in the recipient’s address, and you are also less interested in the cc or bcc that appears right below the address line of the recipient. There are many people who use CC and BCC but have not yet distinguished the effects as well as the similarities or differences of these two features. Both have the point of sending email copies to some people, but cc and bcc have some points and different uses. Let’s see how to distinguish cc and bcc in email to better understand the effects of these two features

Distinguish CC and BCC in email

tell me cc and bcc in email

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What is CC in email? What is BCC in email?

CC stands for ‘carbon copy’ which means to make copies, and BCC stands for ‘blind carbon copy’ which means to make temporary copies. Therefore, CC is understood as sending an extra copy of an email to some other person.

Use CC to email multiple people at once and these people will all see the list of recipients of the email. And BCC is similar in that the sender will send a copy of the email to many other recipients, but these people cannot see the list of the same recipients of this email. Therefore, to secure the email receiving list, the BCC feature will be used.

between cc and bcc

When to use CC and BCC

CC is a useful sending pattern when you want a few other people to receive a copy of the email, but they are not the primary recipient.
BCC is a useful sending method when you want to send copies to others, and don’t want them to know about you sending more copies to others, like the example above. Also if you need to send the same email to a very large list of addresses, you don’t want those email recipients to have to see a long queue of the same addresses, so BBC sending will limit unnecessary information. this set.

know cc and bcc

CC and BCC both send a copy of the email to someone else. The addresses listed in the CC line are not really different from the ones you enter in the To line (the usual way of sending). As for the addresses entered in the BCC line, they will be anonymous, meaning that no one will know they have received a copy of the email. These two features have now been forgotten by many users, but in many cases they still prove to be quite useful. Hope the article has helped you somewhat understand and understand how to use these two features when sending emails

So Emergenceingames.com has helped you distinguish as well as how to use cc and bcc when you send email to many people at the same time. With the article distinguishing cc and bcc in the hope email after gmail registration. you will use gmail mailbox to send better group mail.

Also you can also download gmail notifier and download windows live mail for better email sending and receiving support. Gmail notifier is one of the software that notifies when there is new mail in gmail account very effectively.

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Source link: Distinguish CC and BCC in email
– Emergenceingames.com

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