Dazzle is the most worthy support in Dota 2 update 7.18

Dazzle is the most worthy support in Dota 2 update 7.18

Support is an important part of the team. With the meta now focusing on the laning phase, support is becoming more and more appreciated. Support ensures that the core farm is stable, making it difficult for the opponent’s core. In general, they have the power to influence how the game progresses.

Patch 7.18 shows the usefulness of many supports in the game, but it doesn’t change one thing: a good laning phase is safer. Heroes like Warlock, Naga Siren, and Windranger have been nerfed, but they’re still heroes worth picking. However, now we have many more heroes to choose from as support and Dazzle is one of them.

Dazzle is often seen as an inferior alternative to Oracle or a highly defensive support but does not offer much benefit beyond Shallow Grave. That used to be the case, but now things have definitely changed.

Poison Touch was not strong before. It’s a pretty good level 1 move, but quickly becomes useless later in the game. Patch 7.18 increases the damage of level 1 Poison Touch by 60%, taking it from “pretty good” to “excellent”. The 64 damage it does is not very strong, but this ability can be “reused” countless times (Every time the target is hit, the debuff duration reverts back to the original) ensuring Dazzle is very effective against enemies. start with solo offlane.

Even in dual lane, Poison Touch is enough to make the opponent fall back – as being attacked by a hero will cause the debuff to start over. If you hit both offlane and enemy support from a safe distance, you will definitely force them to retreat to the turret.

The disregard for this move causes Dazzle to be largely ignored – with a less than 4% pub pick rate. While the vast majority of high-ranked pub players understand how this works, they still underestimate it – 16 damage per second or 64 damage total sounds too little in theory.

Obviously, the two sides can fight while the other is under the influence of Poison Touch and while it is possible to win the fight phase, the opponent will definitely take a lot of damage. Also, if Dazzle is forced to retreat, your team won’t be able to chase either – Poison Touch’s slow isn’t as strong, as it is enough to widen the distance between Dazzle and enemies.

If there is a chase, they will soon realize their blood is being drained. Enemies now have two options – start retreating and get hit again by Dazzle while running, again causing Poison Touch’s duration to restart. Or rush in, trying to kill Dazzle before the hero kills them.


The lack of reaction from teammates is the biggest problem that Dazzle often confronts. Carryers are often so engrossed in last hits that they don’t notice anything else going on. It happens at Divine rank and it’s super optimal to determine when the team carry will support you – like your opponents, your teammates often don’t notice the amount of potential damage Dazzle can deal. .

The tweak in Poison Touch definitely turns Dazzle into a terrifying threat, making this support a hero in the current meta. But this move wasn’t the reason Dazzle was picked – for the past several months, Poison Touch has been the real reason the hero has been ignored. but now, after being buffed, Dazzle will really become useful, in addition to being one of the strongest mid supports and also support in the late game.

This spell is extremely powerful. The extra 5 seconds of survival will give your carry a chance to counterattack and deal massive damage, possibly winning the fight. The extra 5 seconds for cores and other supports means they’ll have a chance to use their abilities to contribute to the battle. And in both cases, they can help the hero survive.

Using Shallow Grave is simple: if an ally is hit by an enemy – use it on them. To use Shallow Grave well, you need to determine who to save first – you rarely use Shallow Grave on Dirsruptor on your team when the hero has used all of his abilities. But for the most part, this move involves timing it.

Knowing how to use Shallow Grave isn’t difficult – it’s easy to understand which members are important and who should be prioritized. Learning to use it consistently is harder. But the problem lies in the early levels – the distance to use Shallow Grave is quite narrow and you usually max out Shadow Wave first. So saving teammates requires Dazzle to stay close to combat, while making sure the opponent can’t see him.

Take advantage of trees and fog as much as you can. Poison Touch is a very good move, but it’s not worth revealing and using it, even if you already have the level 20 talent. Revealing means the enemy will target Dazzle first, and of course the end result. willow you. At least with good players.

Try to cast Shallow Grave at maximum distance – so you don’t get an AoE stun or silence while approaching teammates. Don’t try to cast it at the perfect time – it’s better to waste a second of Shallow Grave than to miss your hand and your teammate is on the board. Finally, use a microphone or ping to guide teammates in the direction to run back – communication will save them and not everyone is as good at reading the map as a pro.

Shadow Wave’s healing skill is quite good. It’s really good to help teammates survive in fights, but in real combat, teammates won’t be able to rely on it too much to survive. At least at the beginning of the teamfight.

Heal works well with high armor. The amount of health recovered will be very different between high and low armor subjects. Fortunately, Dazzle can create towering armor for his teammates and suck up the same amount of armor from the opponent.

This makes Shadow Wave a very good nuke that deals damage depending on the situation. It’s usually most apparent in the laning phase, when armor and health are low, but later in the game, it allows teammates to focus on killing enemies faster. It also works well with summons, like Lycan’s wolf or Nature’s Prophet’s treant.

This can be considered the most despised ultimate in the game. Even at level 1, it can draw up to 17 armor of the enemy as well as increase the armor of allies by 17. Weave takes a while to become effective, but this ultimate is very powerful.

At level 1, the average Weave drains 8.5 enemy armor, which means that subjects with 1500 HP and 15 armor will lose more than 20% health when hit by physical damage. Including AoE, this will increase even more and Weave can increase the buffs of allies, showing how effective this move is.

The increased and decreased armor means that the HP value will be more valuable. At the end of the game, Weave can draw as well as gain 29 armor, making turret push and combat slowly tilt to his advantage. It has a total of 16 seconds cooldown, so it can be used freely at any opportunity. Sometimes it’s best to cast the whole team before jumping into combat.

Unlike Slardar’s Corrosive Haze, this is a non-dispellable move. In general, Weave is very useful against heroes with shadow (illusion): it is easy to spot heroes in the ball from Manta Style, Doppleganer or Phantasm, because real heroes will have the effect on their heads. Make sure you cast Weave before the ball is used and coordinate with your teammates so you or your teammates don’t react too soon.


Dazzle has never been a weak hero and has been quite successful in the pro scene in some patches. The recent meta is shifting its focus to the laning phase, making Dazzle less of a favourite – Dazzle can’t be of much help in the early game, making the hero a burden during the crucial first 10 minutes. . Dazzle is still a very strong hero mid-game, but sometimes it’s too late.

7.18 overcomes this weakness very convincingly. Dazzle doesn’t have disables, but it makes up for it by making teamfights easier. Dazzle can now play actively, plus his good laning makes him a good fit for the current meta.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dazzle is the most worthy support in Dota 2 update 7.18
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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