CSGO: s1mple reveals why he quit AWP

CSGO: s1mple reveals why he quit AWP
s1mple nêu lý do tại sao mình từ bỏ AWP - Emergenceingame

Natus Vincere’s Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev shared with HLTV why he gave up AWP to return to rifle use.

If there’s a player in the world that can switch roles in Counter-Strike, it’s s1mple. Named the best player in the world in 2018, the Ukrainian star has always shined, no matter what team he plays for or what weapon he holds.

He is known for his precise AWP shots, but now, according to an interview with HLTV on September 23, s1mple will give up the AWP in favor of the latest tuning from Na`Vi.

Blast Moscow Navi Roster Change - Emergenceingame
Na`Vi changed after BLAST Moscow, brought in GuardiaN

The Ukraine star said that Ladislav “GuardiaN” Kovács’ reply affected the team’s system.

GuardiaN left Na`Vi in 2017, forcing s1mple to take the AWP for the team. However, with the recent farewell of FaZe Clan from GuardiaN, s1mple will return to the role of rifle – something he is quite content to abide by.

“With the new coach, B1ad3, he asked me if I wanted to continue playing AWP and I replied that, if there was a better sniper, literally, of course I would give him the AWP role,” s1mple replied. word.

GuardiaN is considered one of the best AWPers in the world, dominating CSGO from its early days in Na`Vi. He is completely dedicated to using AWP.

“GuardiaN knows how to use this weapon, he is the most experienced,” s1mple said. “So he knows how to win and I am confident in his sniper skills.”

Guardian Faze Navi AWP S1mple - Emergenceingame
GuardiaN returns to Na`Vi after nearly two years playing with FaZe Clan

Rifle is no longer a stranger to s1mple. This talented player shoots AK-47 and M4A4 very well. With his new role, he will have more freedom to do what he wants.

“I feel confident with rifles, I used to want it, you have more freedom when playing rifles. You can hide in smoke, you can use all the nades, you can trade easily – I think it works well in teams.

“In the past, I practiced all the weapons, and even though I was the main AWP, I still considered myself a hybrid player (using gun and gun). Now, I just focus on my positions.”

s1mple guardian - Emergenceingame
Giving back AWP to GuardiaN, s1mple can now play more comfortably

s1mple’s role in Na`Vi will be changed to the secondary AWPer, only held when the team needs another experienced sniper.

“I will be a secondary sniper, maybe pick up this gun sometimes,” s1mple said.

Na`Vi’s first major tournament with the new roster will be DreamHack Masters Malmo, scheduled to kick off October 1.

Source link: CSGO: s1mple reveals why he quit AWP
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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