CSGO: A Guide to Improving Communication and Communication Skills

CSGO: A Guide to Improving Communication and Communication Skills

Invest in a microphone (microphone):

This is a game that almost requires you to have a microphone to be able to communicate with each other, unless 5 people playing LAN sitting next to each other do not say anything. Even pro players have to use microphones to communicate (despite sitting next to each other) because major tournaments are very noisy and must wear soundproof headphones to play. When playing, the microphone saves a lot of time sitting and typing, but time is extremely important in the game, 1 second can save a teammate’s life or tell the location of the enemy, where the bomb is.

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Zalman zm-mic 1 can be attached to any headset, easy to use

Having a microphone, “practice speaking”:

Some of you are shy because your ability to communicate in English is not good (or some of you are female with a mic but are afraid to speak, I meet the 2nd one more). Try to start the game by saying hello to the people on the team, so they will get to know you and you will be less shy in communication. As long as you can call (call), no one cares if your English accent is good or bad. And once you get used to it, you will feel more comfortable and call more (also improve your English)

Learn Call-outs (location on the map):

Knowing the location name on the map improves the accuracy and speed of your communication with the team. Try to be as precise as possible, for example: dust 2 A Long – platform, pit or blue bin position. Learn by going online for reference or watching professional tournaments – listen to the English caster call (if I have time, I will synthesize the names that I often use in each map). Here are the location names of some maps (note that a location can have many different names, depending on what each person wants to use, as long as teammates know where it is):

Dust 2:

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CSGO Hướng dẫn cải thiện kĩ năng giao tiếp và liên lạc 3 - Emergenceingame


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Cache :

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The more precise the information, the better:

There will be a lot of information you get in a round, so it will be nice to let your teammates know. You are flashed (blind) or smoked, call up for them to cover you or hide. You rush B to see that B is empty, let them know so they can prepare psychologically for player A. You hear footsteps near you, call up. You see 2A , call 2A, you see bomb, call bomb location to get support from teammates. Seeing the opposing team fully loaded, let the team know to play more defensively (instead of being aggressive).

Always keep in touch, because the more information the team has, the more likely it is to win.

The more accurate the information the better – but ENOUGH:

What is enough here, i.e. don’t be a mic-spammer (mumbling into the microphone unhelpful information – eg dying and swearing, talking nonsense). When you die, try to give as accurate information as possible (where the enemy stands, what guns, how many names, did you see any bombs, anyone with weak health). After that, be quiet so that your teammates can focus on playing. There are many friends who continue to participate in the call after death, which does not help but also causes panic and distraction for survivors; especially 1v1, unless the survivor leaves out an important piece of information, like where the KIT is, where the gun is. When you’ve done your part (give all the information out), keep quiet so your teammates can handle it (or type instead of talking to avoid distracting them).

I think there is – I think it’s there

How many games I’ve played, teammates give very vague information that doesn’t help. Report only – report what you see/know, don’t assume in the match: “I think they are rushing A” – “I think they are rushing A” but you only see 1 of them rushing A, maybe that is a fake A to rush B, such calls will make B’s teammates move to A and loophole in B, losing B. Or you see 4 Rush A kids, you panic and shout “ALL” A RUSH”, this information is wrong, because there are only 4, call 4 A Rush instead of all – or 5 rush A if you really see all 5. If you don’t see the bomb, call if you don’t see the bomb, 1 person will stay B is on the lookout for the opponent to plant a bomb for money – and possibly lead to winning that round and the next.

Stay calm even when you’re ahead:

1 guy on the team became toxic, blabbering in the mic unnecessary things and flaming his teammates. Try giving feedback, if not careful, it can adversely affect your ability to play. never mind, mute (block communication) it off. Staying calm helps you handle the situation more accurately. like myself, never rotate (remove holding position) when A calls 3 Rush without seeing a bomb call. I always stay at B just in case it’s Fake A Rush.

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When encountering toxic people: if they don’t improve then mute, don’t let them affect your gameplay

Suggestions on how to play as a team to improve teamwork:

Where do you hold, where do you look, make sure your teammates don’t get “hooked” (killed from behind). If you quit your position, let your teammates know about it.

Change game strategy, let teammates know: this round I’ll rush B, support me (This round I’ll rush B, back me up) or throw it out, I’m about to check (can you flash? I’ m gonna check). The higher the teamwork, the higher the probability of winning (you won’t be confused when the tire is hooked)

Teammates keep dying in 1 position, suggest a different way of playing, don’t order them “Don’t go mid, you keep dying” (Don’t go mid, you keep dying) but offer “Try keeping close mid or safer position (try hold close mid or safer position) as when giving orders, they will become more conservative and can lead to unnecessary quarrels.

These are just a few guiding tips on improving communication skills. Mastering them will bring you closer to victory. Good luck.

Source: personal experience and further reference from -dignitas.net

Source link: CSGO: A Guide to Improving Communication and Communication Skills
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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