Chance to get ThreeA Toys skin in Rules of Survival

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Rules Of Survival not only brings exciting gameplay content through updates, but also creates eye-catching costume designs, Rules Of Survival gamers have the opportunity to own a set of ThreeA Toys in the extreme game through Accumulate and redeem rewards easily.

In the updated version on August 22, Rules of Survival released a lot of important new updates related to the feature system and game interface design. Among them, the launch of a new costume model ThreeA Toys is of great interest to the gaming community. This is a very unique and new skin model that makes anyone want to own it.

She wears threea toys in the rules of surival

Download the new version of Rules of Survival and hunt for the ThreeA Toys skin now

Fortnite Mobile – a game product of the same genre as Rules of Survival – is still storming the international game market, Fortnite Mobile is currently only available on iOS but the attraction is still really formidable, bringing in huge revenue. for Epic Games.

If you’ve ever watched action movies, when warriors had to wear oxygen tanks and anti-poison respirators, you’ve probably heard of masks with big air ducts. In this new version, the Survival Game Rules of Survival designed and appeared almost similar to that type of outfit.

Visually, ThreeA Toys stands out with a large air tube connecting from the nose to an oxygen bag placed on the side of the character. On the head, players of Rules of Survival will wear an iron helmet to protect and withstand damage from enemies.

She wears threea toys in Rules of Surival 2

You can own the ThreeA Toys anti-poison skin in Rules of Survival. By participating in the event system in the game, players will be able to redeem this “cave” costume. Time and quantity are limited, so gamers quickly take advantage to own it.

In addition, players can also try out many other specially designed costumes, not only the ThreeA Toys skin in Rules of Survival. With each update, gamers can experience many unique fun from NetEase games.

Currently, along with Rules of Survival, the PUBG Mobile game is also a mobile survival game that is played in large numbers, You can choose different versions of PUBG Mobile such as Chinese, international or shortened versions…

Related keywords:

threea toys in rules of survival

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Source link: Chance to get ThreeA Toys skin in Rules of Survival

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