Celebrity cosplay: Goddess Twice looks exactly like the real Seraphine Mage

Gamehub.vn Chaeyoung Twice thumbl - Emergenceingame

Twice is a very famous 9-member girl group of the big man JYP. Currently, information about the group is appearing in many newspapers not only because of the upcoming 10th album – Taste of Love but also because of the girls’ new image. Especially the goddess Twice Chaeyoungthis rapper is storming all social networks with her new pink hair color as well as her fresh look, looks like a general. Seraphine in the game League of Legends.

In the published concept photos, Chaeyoung is showing off her lovely pink curls. This girl tried pink hair color in the “Fancy” MV, but at that time, her hair was quite short, not long enough to curl like this.

It is this curly pink hairstyle along with the smile, eyes and charisma of Twice rapper that many people think of the Mage of League of Legends Seraphine. Seraphine is a female champion that was released last year of League of Legends and quickly became the new idol of the gaming community because of her sweet and lovely appearance. If looking for a name that can transform into a live-action version of Seraphine, Chaeyoung will be the No. 1 candidate. This becomes even more reasonable when Twice and Riot Games have collaborated on a negative project. K/DA’s “virtual sister association” with 2 songs More and I’ll Show You.


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Source link: Celebrity cosplay: Goddess Twice looks exactly like the real Seraphine Mage
– Emergenceingames.com

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