Blizzard used to test VR for the card game Hearthstone

Blizzard used to test VR for the card game Hearthstone
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Hearthstone has been a hit on PC and on mobile devices since its launch, but Blizzard has the intention of releasing it on other platforms as well.

Although the game doesn’t work best on consoles, VR (virtual reality) can be seen as an attractive solution, and Blizzard has somewhat agreed to that.

During a talk with designer Dave Kosak and effects artist Hadidjah Chamberlain about Galakrond’s Awakening, PowerUp’s Leo Stevenston asked about the potential of VR. And the developer confirms it was ever developed.

Update Hearthstone

Kosak says it’s a “good” idea, but he believes players prefer finger-swiping on mobile devices over VR environments. Chamberlain shared more details:

“They were actually Hearthstone VR demos at the time,” Chamberlain said. “You can walk around The Tavern and sit down to play a game with someone. They only have 2 weeks to work, so the team can only let you throw cards on the table and toss a coin.”

It would be great if we could go around the Tavern, look around. feel the environment, then sit down at the table with another person in VR?

Imagine the device vibrating when you throw a big card, flip the position on the board, or flip the table when you lose. Sounds appealing, doesn’t it?

Hopefully Blizzard will return to the Hearthstone VR idea in the future. But for now, we can only dream about it and glad that the developer has thought about VR.

Source link: Blizzard used to test VR for the card game Hearthstone

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