BioWare was saved by Electronic Arts

BioWare was saved by Electronic Arts

BioWare is a game company famous for super products like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Reppublic. Those names probably wouldn’t have existed without the support from EA. While speaking at HavenCon, several members of the Dragon Age 2 team drew on BioWare’s bleak scenario 10 years ago.

The group that spoke included former Mass Effect writer Patrick Weekes, who was in charge of editing, Karen Weekes, and former Dragon Age screenwriter David Gaider. They talked about the process of Electronic Arts acquiring BioWare to prevent the studio from going bankrupt. The team admitted that Dragon Age 2 was “too hasty” because EA had just taken over the studio at the time. However, the game was critically acclaimed, with high ratings from critics.

The fact that they had to rush to perfect Dragon Age 2 to show EA a finished product of them. But without the acquisition, BioWare wouldn’t be able to last much longer, as the studio was “almost out of money.”

Bioware - Emergenceingame
On the subject of money, people mentioned that EA was “only interested in making money,” but they were quick to explain that EA “didn’t push or force BioWare to follow them.” The BioWare team clearly wanted to clear up doubts about whether EA forced them to add certain features or make decisions for the studio.

Members explained that if BioWare wanted to do something “risky,” like Krem from Dragon Age: Inquisition, they would often get the question “you think you can do it?” Obviously we often hear that EA directors only care about money (the company ranks 5th in the top of the most hated companies), but it’s good that EA doesn’t directly run sub-studios.

Maybe EA puts pressure on the studios to release successful products, the publisher also allows the development team to have their own vision. Therefore, fans were quite surprised when the Dragon Age 2 team said such beautiful things about Electrnoic Arts.

Source: Reddit

Source link: BioWare was saved by Electronic Arts

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