Axie Infinity: Everything you need to know about Axie Scholarship

Axie Infinity scholarship 7 - Emergenceingame

If you want to start play Axie Infinity without spending money or simply not having enough resources, Axie Scholarship will help you. Here are everything you need to know about Axie Scholarship in Axie Infinity.

Everything you need to know about scholarships in Axie Infinity

Everything you need to know about Axie Scholarship

How to play Axie Infinity for free

Game developer Sky Mavis once announced that they are designing a free-to-play mode to invite multiplayer. Axie Infinity than. Unfortunately, this mode had to be paused due to a sudden increase in the number of new players.

Fortunately, you still have other options to earn money while playing Axie Infinity. That is participating in the Scholarship program.

What is Scholarship in Axie Infinity?

Sholarship system – scholarships in Axie Infinity will lend you a high quality free team to earn Smooth Love Potions without having to spend money to buy Axie, as long as you share a portion of the earnings with that team manager. This is a way to play Axie Infinity that benefits both sides, especially for new players.

Note that, Axie scholarship is not an official feature in the game yet. It is done outside the client or game console.

Game Axie Infinity

Scholarship is popular in the Axie Infinity community by:

  • The game has veteran players who own a lot of Axies but can’t use them to earn SLP. Playing Axie Infinity with multiple accounts is banned.
  • Newbie Axie Infinity lacks experience and doesn’t have enough resources to buy a starter team.

Management can also help scholars learn how to play Axie Infinity, especially for those who are not familiar with the concept of NFT and virtual currency.

Finally, joining a scholarship is a great way for newbies to understand the complex processes of playing the Axie Infinity game, such as how to manage a virtual wallet or sell SLP…

What is Scholar in Axie Infinity?

Scholar – Scholar in Axie Infinity is the recipient of a free start-up team from the scholarship manager and earns money on their behalf.

If you want to play Axie Infinity but don’t have the money to buy Axie, you can choose to become a scholar. The amount earned will be divided according to the percentage agreed by the two parties, usually 60/40, 50/50 or 70/30.

The Scholarship Program is a win-win for both parties. People with excess Axie will have additional passive income, and scholars can start playing and earning without spending a dime.

How to become a scholar and play Axie Infinity for free

To join the scholarship and get a starting team of 3 Axies for free, you need:

  • Find the manager or group that is hiring Axie Scholars.
  • Contact that manager and let them know you’re interested in applying as a scholar.
  • Once approved, you will have Axie free to play the game right away.

Team managers or hirers have invested a lot of money in Axie so they know how to get a return on investment (ROI). That’s why they only give scholarships to trustworthy people. If you have friends, relatives or colleagues who are administering Axie scholarships, reach out to them!

Win SLP in Axie Infinity

Where to find the Axie Infinity scholarship

If you don’t already know someone offering scholarships in Axie Infinity, you have no choice but to search the Axie community.

If you want to become an Axie Scholar, you can go to the following places:

However, you need to prove to potential sponsors that you are trustworthy and worthy of being awarded a free starter team. Most Axie scholarship administrators or support groups will ask you to fill out a form (like a job application) with your personal and skills information.

Above is everything you need to know about Scholarship – Scholarships in Axie Infinity. Hope the article is useful to you.

Source link: Axie Infinity: Everything you need to know about Axie Scholarship


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