Adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts, faster illustrator operations

25195 - Emergenceingame
Keyboard shortcuts are an indispensable part of software, helping you to use operations faster. And with Illustrator shortcuts, manipulating the image design will be shortened in time.

For those who are just starting to get acquainted with Illustrator, after you proceed to download and install Illustrator, what is the next thing to do. Open Illustrator and explore it, of course. The first time will be the time you spend the most effort to learn the functions, sometimes because you do not understand the logic of the software, leading to deleting it and never wanting to. install Illustrator one more time. But if you refer to Illustrator shortcuts, you will think differently now that you have learned a lot of useful functions about it.

illustrator movie

In the previous article, Taimienphi introduced a list of Corel shortcuts to help you use CorelDraw software faster and more professionally, with Corel shortcuts, you will not have to access each function module like before. In this article, let’s learn the following basic keyboard shortcuts to learn more about using Illustrators keyboard shortcuts.

Illustrator keyboard shortcuts, using hotkeys in Illustrator

Basic keystrokes

Ctrl + C key combination: Copy command
Ctrl + B key combination (Edit / Paste in Back): paste below the copy object
Ctrl + F (Edit / Paste in Front): paste on the copy object
Ctrl + D (Object / transform / Transform Again): Repeat transform
Ctrl + ‘+’: Zoom in
Ctrl + ‘-‘: Zoom out
Ctrl + ‘0’: Fit to the screen

Basic Illustrator Shortcuts

Tab key: Hide toolbars
F key: Expand document
Y key: Open the Magic Wand tool
Key ?: Open the Lasso . tool
P key: Open the pen tool
T key: Type
key: Create line
M key: Create a rectangle
L key: Create Ellipse
Key B: Open the Paintbrush brush
N key: Opens the Pencil tool
R key: Rotate object
J key: Column chart
G key: Open Gradient
W key: Open Blend
C key: Open the drag tool
H key: Open the hand tool
Z key: Zoom in

Some Menu related keys

Keyboard Shortcuts / Function Keys
Show / Hide Brushes F5
Show/Hide color F6
Show / Hide Layers F7
Show/Hide Info F8
Show/Hide Gradient Ctrl-F9
Show/Hide Stroke Ctrl-F10
Show/Hide Properties Ctrl-F11
Revert file F12
Show/Hide Graphic Styles Shift-F5
Show/Hide Appearance Shift-F6
Show/Hide Shift Alignment F7
Show/Hide Transform Shift-F8
Show/Hide Pathfinder Shift Ctrl F9
Show/Hide Shift Ctrl F10
Show/Hide Icon Shift Ctrl F11

Some other notes about keyboard shortcuts

– To open the ruler tool in Illustrator, press Ctrl + RED key combinationthen right-clicking on the ruler will bring up a list of measurement units you can choose from.
– Instead of having to click twice to open the blend tool, we just need to click once on the icon on the toolbar. press Enter key is the blend tool dialog box will be opened.
– Hold the Ctrl key and move the middle mouse up to move left, move the wheel down to move right.
– Hold Alt and rotate the middle mouse to Zoom out, Zoom in. The center of zoom will be the position where you place the mouse
– Quickly change color systems.- Hold Shift and hover on the Color bar to quickly change color systems (C, M, Y, K).
– Press Ctrl + L to create a new layer.
– Ctrl + Alt + L to create new layer with options option.
– Hold Alt and release the mouse -> Close Pencil or Brush Path
– Copy a sequence of objects: Ctrl + D . Draw 1 object. Select the object while holding alt, drag to another place to copy 1 more object (Release the mouse, but do not deselect the object). Then press ctrl + D to copy out more objects with the distance k changed
– Lock object: select the object and press Ctrl + 2
– Choose default color (while fill & black stroke): EASY
– Swap fill & stroke color: shift + X
– Change the priority mode between fill and stroke: X
– Switch to select and change art broad: shift + O. Esc to exit
Above is an overview of Illustrator shortcuts for beginners, and of course you need to practice regularly to remember and master these shortcuts. In addition to using Illustrator shortcuts proficiently, Photoshop shortcuts are also essential for you, especially when Photoshop supports Illustrator very well, knowing Photoshop shortcuts is essential.

Author: Nguyen Canh Nam
(3.916 evaluate)
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Related keywords:

illustrator movie

Illustrator film, Illustrator hotkey,

Source link: Adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts, faster illustrator operations

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