Admire Doom Eternal gameplay, superior to before

Admire Doom Eternal gameplay, superior to before

If you stand still, you will die. That was almost the same rule in Doom, but now it’s becoming more and more true.

It seemed that Doom Eternal would bring chaos, bloody shooting scenes like its predecessor released in 2016, but the game doesn’t stop there. Doom Eternal will tell you how you need to survive from the moment you enter the game and confront the demon army.

Health, ammo, and armor can still be found around the map, but the biggest resource to keep you alive comes from your enemies. The Glory and Chainsaw kills will bring a lot of health and ammo, while the new shoulder-mounted flamethrower used to burn them will restore your armor. In Doom 2016, this system was used to prevent you from relying solely on the gun, but in Eternal, the player must rely on all of their tools to increase their chances of survival.

doom eternal chainsaw - Emergenceingame

The dash ability allows you to close distances from your opponent, dodge in key situations, or find a new standing position while jumping. The new weapon mod allows players to shoot chains with a super shotgun or toss grenades at enemies with rockets.

If you can’t control everything, Doom Eternal also encourages you to follow the ‘high dose’ gameplay thanks to the extra network system. Players can increase their own lives by picking up ‘net hats’ that are all over the map – they are sometimes easy, sometimes hard to get. This helps players not to be afraid to unleash themselves.

doom eternal demons - Emergenceingame

Finally, you need to remember that this is not ‘Serious Sam’ as players can shoot as many as they want. Doom Eternal is a bloody, high-speed survival shooter that forces players to use everything they have if they want to overcome the army of demons.

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