FunPlus Phoenix won 3-0 at the finals of the 2019 League of Legends World Championship. This victory also ended G2’s great journey, as they defeated SK Telecom T1 before and became one of the contenders. heavyweights for the championship.
G2 opens the series with a Pyke pick for Rasmus “Caps” Winther to take on Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang’s Nautilus. However, all focus was on the top lane, when FunPlus Phoenix took good care of G2’s Ryze, giving Gangplank the advantage.
This plan has paid off. Martin “Wunder” Hansen couldn’t keep the lane, and Kim “GimGoon” Han-saem played pretty well. At the bot, Lin “Lwx” Wei-Xisang got himself Sivir. As the game entered the mid-game, G2 faced a strong FPX lineup in every position.
The battle for the target is in favor of FPX, but the most breakthrough situation is the first Baron phase. Unlike SKT in the semifinals, the Chinese team wasted no time. Baron helps FPX get the mid lane and pave the way in. Despite G2’s efforts to regain a minion for themselves, FPX still outperformed, when the Sivir card began to air. FPX leads 1-0.
In game 2, G2 could not take revenge, but also performed worse. Even though they won the first dragon, it cost them 3 lives, giving FPX the lead by more than 3k gold at 10 minutes. 10 minutes later, the gold difference doubled. Lwx’s powerful Kai’sa gave the team the lead with a 20-4 kill in the 25th minute.
Game 3 started to equalize, even though FPX led 3k gold until 25 minutes and took the first Baron, the match did not create the feeling that the Chinese team was in the lead. Luka “Perkz” Perkovic’s Ezreal is the one who lights up the European team’s hopes by dealing the most damage and surviving the longest.
Unfortunately, the European team’s hopes soon crumbled when FPX caught G2 in the jungle, took 3 lives and crushed the LEC champion.
With this victory, the Summoner’s Cup will remain in China, denying Europe the chance to win the World Finals.
Source link: League of Legends: FunPlus Phoenix beat G2 3-0 to become the 2019 World Championship Champion