Fanpages are pages created by users for the purpose of promoting, introducing and sharing information to many other users. To share experiences and introduce products on Fanpage, posting videos is a very good way. Users can post videos directly on Fanpage, insert Youtube videos into Facebook fanpage or stream videos directly. Way Insert Youtube into Facebook fanpage is to share the link from the video on Youtube to the Facebook Fanpage. This method is often used when users want to increase the number of views and likes of their Youtube videos.
Get Facebook Fanpage ID
One thing that many Fanpage users do not know is that each fanpage has its own ID number as well as its personal Facebook page. Just like the identity card number of each person, the Fanpage ID number to identify different Fanpages. You can view Facebook ID, get facebook fanpage id to use for each separate purpose.
How to get Facebook Fanpage ID:
Step 1: Access the Fanpage you want to get the facebook fanpage id. Then pay attention to the URL link of the Fanpage. Please black out all and Copy (Copy).
Step 2: After you have copied the URL link of the Fanpage. You visit HERE to go to the website to get facebook fanpage id. Click on the empty URL box in the website and Paste URL of your Fanpage in there.
Step 3: After you have pasted the URL of the Fanpage successfully. You press continue Find Numeric ID —> to search for the ID of the Facebook Fanpage.
In just a few seconds, you have successfully obtained facebook fanpage id.
Want to get facebook fanpage id with other Fanpage, you also do the same operation that just introduced. Getting Facebook Fanpage ID helps Admins determine the right to manage fanpage, especially when your Fanpage has many Admins working. In addition, getting the facebook fanpage id also serves to run ads, introduce Fanpage.
As introduced at the beginning of the article, on Fanpage you can livestream your activities for Fanpage followers to see. How to live stream on Facebook Fanpage is quite effective if you are a celebrity, or are introducing your products. When live streaming on Facebook Fanpage, the Fanpage manager will interact directly with followers, quickly answering their questions and concerns. Compared to posting videos and replying to comments, live streaming on Facebook Fanpage achieves much better interaction efficiency. If you own a great Fanpage, regularly Live stream to interact with your fans.
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Source link: How to get Facebook Fanpage ID