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Fix “Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1)” in Minecraft

Error Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) in Minecraft is one of the “quite old” errors, but not all users know how to thoroughly fix the above problem.

Referring to this long name Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1), many people will probably be bored but do not know that how to fix it. Error Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) in Minecraft completely simple as its name. Error Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) is also one of the many problems that players encounter during the experience of this game.

sua loi game ended with bad state exit code 1 in minecraft

Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) error guide in Minecraft

The main cause of the error Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) In Minecraft, it’s because the user is playing the old version of Minecraft and in addition, the Java version installed on the device is also very outdated. For those who are playing the latest version today as well as installing the latest Java will completely fix this Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) error.

– Load MinecraftLatest version here.

– Load Java Latest version here.

Step 1: First we will proceed to install Java first, the way to install Java is as simple as opening the software’s interface, we just need to click Install.

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Step 2: Before starting the installation the player will be given some information about the current installed version, however please ignore it and click on OK.

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The Java installation process will take place very quickly and users do not need to wait to be able to complete the installation.

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Step 3: After the announcement You have successfully installed Java ie the Java installation phase has been completed, now open the Minecraft file that we have downloaded above.

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Step 4: Then you open the Minecraft file you just downloaded above, here you choose to create Profile for it.

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Step 5: Here you just need to click on the Play to proceed to re-download the entire Minecraft game to the latest version.

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The download process will also be quite fast because this game is only around 100 MB never mind.

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And now the next thing you need to do is just go to the game and experience Minecraft.

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Since it is reinstalling Bluestacks, you will have to recreate the whole profile, so you should also back up your save file before that.

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Error Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1) In Minecraft is an ancient bug, appearing on old versions only, so those who are using the Minecraft version can rest assured. Of course, Java must also be the new version attached to the above.

In the process of experiencing Minecraft, we sometimes make some very annoying errors as well as some errors that suddenly appear such as the Game output error in Minecraft that Taimienphi.vn mentioned it in the previous article. To learn more about Game output error in Minecraft as well as know how to handle in case of encounter.

Related keywords:

loi game ended with bad state in minecraft

, exit code 1 in Minecraft, play Minecraft with Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1),

Source link: Fix “Game Ended with Bad State (Exit Code 1)” in Minecraft
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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