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Minecraft server hosting guide

Minecraft Server hosting is a solution that helps those who create Minecraft Server to quickly set up and restart in the next time, so what is Minecraft Server hosting and how? Is hosting Minecraft Server difficult or not? All the above questions will be answered in the article below.

There are many ways to Minecraft server hosting, however not everyone knows how to set there such. Simply because to host Minecraft server we need to do this work on Ubuntu and as you know, installing Minecraft on Linux Ubuntu alone is hard enough for some users already. Therefore, in order to clearly understand how to host a Minecraft server as well as how it is related, it is imperative that users be able to do the most basic things like install Minecraft on Ubuntu and must have a basic knowledge of Ubuntu. For those of you who have been familiar with Minecraft Server, perhaps this is an advanced post for you.

Minecraft server

Minecraft server hosting

Minecraft server hosting guide

Note: Minecraft server hosting guide is not for beginners who know Minecraft Server or have no experience creating Minecraft Server or using Ubuntu.

Before proceeding to host Minecraft server, we need to know to be able to do this, you must find the right hosting service for your server. There are many options like Linode nice DigitalOcean provide virtual server VPS for you. Moreover, hosting a Minecraft server on Linux will be significantly cheaper and safer and the instructions below are in case you already have a full hoting as well as a VPS server.

Step 1: First open up your Terminal by right clicking > select Open Terminal.

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Step 2: Here you type the command to download dependencies, here are some software packages before the Minecraft server can run. You can install them directly with the Ubuntu Apt package manager with the command: sudo apt install default-jdk screen wget.

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And of course, if you run the command for the first time, the system will ask you to enter your Local account and note when enter password not displayed where?

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Step 3: Next, your system will ask if you want to download the components, that is for sure and we type Y and then type Enterthen wait for it to finish downloading.

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Step 4: After completing the download, we proceed to create a separate folder for Minecraft with the following command in turn:

mkdir -/Minecraft.

cd -/Minecraft.

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Step 5: Exit out of the Minecraft folder, enter the next command to be able to download the latest version of Minecraft Server.

– wget -O minecraft_server.jar https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects/3737db93722a9e39eeada7c27e7aca28b144ffa7/server.jar

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The download process will be quite fast if you have a stable connection to download Minecraft Server.

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Step 6: Of course we need to have authentication from Minecraft Server and then be able to start our Minecraft Server right away.

echo “eula=true” > eula.txt

nano start-server.sh.

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Step 7: Continue to fill in the line of code that has just opened the following command lines:

#! /bin/bash

/usr/bin/screen -S $1

/usr/bin/java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

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Note Save with the key combination Ctrl + O and exit in turn Ctrl + >Ctrl + X >Press FEMALE.

Step 8: Proceed to save the script again and exit the text editor with the command chmod + x start-server.sh.

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Step 9: Start the new server with the command ./start-server.sh “New-Server”.

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You can finally finish hosting the Minecraft server and proceed to play Minecraft Server as usual.

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So we have just finished the step of hosting Minecraft server, indeed hosting Minecraft server is not too difficult for those who have done this problem and are proficient in Ubuntu. There is a lot more that we can do with Minecraft Server while playing on Ubuntu. But if this article is too much for you, gradually learn about Ubuntu as well as Minecraft Server, specifically through the guide to creating Minecraft Server on Linux, which is also very good and suitable for those who want to study. But Taimienphi.vn would like to remind you that the guide will not be for those who want to know but do not have the basics because how create Minecraft Server on Linux It also requires a lot of knowledge of Ubuntu and Minecraft Server.

Related keywords:

Minecraft Server

install Minecraft Server fast, set up Minecraft Server fast,

Source link: Minecraft server hosting guide
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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