10 locations where Flare Gun appears on Miramar map in PUBG Mobile

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The hearing gun or the Airdrop Flare Gun is not used to attack, but is used to fire a signal to call the aircraft to drop the Airdop. On the Miramar map in PUBG Mobile, where are the locations where the Flare Gun appears the most? The answer will be revealed in the following article.

Flare Gun or flare gun is an extremely rare gun that when fired, it will call an Airdrop with a higher value than a regular Airdrop. After the bullets are fired straight into the air and reach an altitude of 200m, a plane will fly across the map and drop an inventory if the player is inside the safe area or a BRDM armored vehicle appears if you outside the safe zone. So where can you find this hearing gun? This is 10 locations where Flare Gun appears highest in Miramar . map of the PUBG Mobile.

top 10 best locations for flare gun on miramar map in pubg mobile

Where to pick up Flare Gun in Miramar map in PUBG Mobile

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10 potential Flare Gun pick up locations on PUBG Mobile’s Miramar map

1. Pecano

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The first place in the list of 10 best places to find the Flare Gun of the Miramar map in PUBG Mobile is none other than Pecano. It’s a small city on the Miramar map. Once the site of the largest casino in the region, Pecado continues to excite players today with its high value loot and dangerous sights. Active gamers will immediately pick up items at Arena and Casino, but savvy gamers will find 4-storey hotels between these two locations. Pecano is the hottest drop-off on the entire Miramar map with a much larger amount of loot than other locations.

Pecano is ranked at the top of the table for a reason. First, the player will never leave Pecano without obtaining the Flare Gun. Second, you can score a hat-trick here by picking up 3 Flare Guns. Finally, you can get the Flare Gun whether you land at the Arena or the Casino or the L-Building or the hotel.

2. Hacienda Del Patron

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Hacienda Del Patrón is one of Miramar’s locations near San Martin that has a large mansion surrounded by rolling hills, the loot here is very valuable. Its name means “The Boss estate” in Spanish. This is the hottest drop off location after Pecado, so you have to land quickly and pick up the speed gun. Currently, Hacienda Del Patrón has become a promising scavenger hunt for most players after the arrival of Golden Mirado. If you’re managing to stay alive, you’ll definitely pick up a Flare Gun in this mansion in Hacienda Del Patrón.

3. Prison

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Prison is the 3rd place on the list as the main location of the Miramar map because it is the spawn location or waiting area before the battle begins. Most people often ignore this location because it is located in the southern part of Minamar and that makes it more difficult for the player to return to the safe zone. But this place can provide a large amount of loot for an entire squad along with a Flare Gun. The Brickhouse in Prison is almost confirmed as a place where you’ll most likely find the Flare Gun.

4. Graveyard

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The Graveyard is a small location and obviously can’t provide enough loot for your entire squad but for solo players it shouldn’t matter. While you may not be able to pick up enough items, a visit here won’t take long and won’t let you down when you’re trying to get a Flare Gun. Players may think that the church is the ideal place to pick up the Flare Gun, but the graveyard is the final boss.

5. Impala

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Impala is one of the small cities on the Miramar map. Although small, it is famous for its number of weapons and armor. You can find the Flare Gun in this city and the church is the most likely place here.

6. San Martin

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San Martín is located to the west of Hacienda Del Patrón. Checkpoints and barricades turned this small town into a war zone. Both sides of the town are under surveillance, so careful people should scout before scouring this place. Although there is less loot, you can find Flare Gun anywhere in this town. So, this is definitely a potential area to find flare guns on PUBG Mobile’s Miramar map.

7. Power Grid

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Located right in the middle of popular drop-offs like Pecado and San Martin, the Power Grid is often overlooked. Although underrated, you can earn enough loot in this area. The warehouses here are the most potential locations to pick up the Flare Gun in the Power Grid.

8. Los Leones

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Miramar’s largest city, Los Leones has massive shopping, a skyline filled with new construction, and a lavish, flashy City Center. Players are guaranteed high-value items by exploring construction sites and picking up equipment in abandoned commercial buildings. Brick warehouses, office buildings, and restaurants are places in Los Leones where you can pick up the Flare Gun.

9. El Pozo

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El Pozo is a city where players know it mainly for its industrial parks and large entertainment venues. Players can test themselves against everyone else at the Luchador Arena, challenge their driving skills at In The Death Bowl, or hunt through the ruins of long-abandoned factories. The boxing ring is a great place to find Flare Gun.

10. Monte Nuevo

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Monte Nuevo is the name of a besieged town. The Ramshackle walls built to protect its people are now a place for players to explore fertile warehouses. This is a great place to loot and is one of the potential places where you can find the Flare Gun. In particular, the Colosseum in Monte Nuevo is the ideal place to find flare guns and pick up the most loot in this area.

Above are the 10 locations that give you the highest chance to pick up the Flare Gun in the Miramar map. Of course, you don’t have to go anywhere to see this gun right in front of you, but you will also have to spend a bit of effort and time searching as well as a little luck to get it. For your reference 5 locations to pick up Flare Gun map Erangel PUBG Mobile here.

Related keywords:

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Source link: 10 locations where Flare Gun appears on Miramar map in PUBG Mobile
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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