Why did Capcom make Devil May Cry 5 instead of a DmC sequel?

Why did Capcom make Devil May Cry 5 instead of a DmC sequel?

Devil May Cry 5 is a game that many gamers have been waiting for since it was announced by Capcom at Microsoft’s E3 2018 event. Meanwhile, some gamers are wondering why the company didn’t make a sequel to Ninja Theory’s DmC: Devil May Cry (2013). To make that clear, the developer and publisher decided to explain why season 5 was chosen.

According to Capcom, Devil May Cry 5 was chosen as the next project, continuing the storyline from DmC4, but that doesn’t mean they don’t expect anything from Ninja Theory with DmC: Devil May Cry. According to executive producer Matt Walker, “[Devil May Cry 5] It’s clearly a game for the fans – we’ve been listening to fans asking for a sequel to the DMC4 storyline for over 10 years. But the decision here does not affect Ninja Theory or DmC at all. Everyone loves DmC.”

Tại sao Capcom lại làm Devil May Cry 5 thay vì phần tiếp theo của DmC - Emergenceingame

Additionally, Devil May Cry 5 game director Hideaki Itsuno said that he believes DmC is a very important game in the franchise, even though it’s a reboot of the series. According to Walker, “As Itsuno-san says, DmC is just as important as the other titles in the series, and he’s very proud of it,” especially as the director learns a lot from the development process. development version 2013.

We learned a lot from working with Ninja Theory on that game, and hopefully the team there also learns something. Itsuno-san emphasized many times while talking to me that what he has learned from DmC will be applied specifically to what he is doing for DMC5.

With that said, design and gameplay elements from DmC will likely appear in Devil May Cry 5 when the game officially launches next year. However, the combat system will continue to “extend combat concepts from within DMC1-4.”

Devil May Cry 5 is due out Spring 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source link: Why did Capcom make Devil May Cry 5 instead of a DmC sequel?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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