What’s new in the Rules Of Survival update on February 28?

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Although the February 13 update adds a slew of features, it allows free character renaming. However, there are still many bugs that make gamers extremely uncomfortable, such as the error of displaying teammates’ names, hacking and shooting through the wall, going through the wall, burrowing …

Rules Of Survival: The Law of Survival Rules Of Survival PC

Therefore, the Rules Of Survival update released on February 28 will resolve the above errors. At the same time, we also update the context of 4 interesting seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. For details of the update, please refer to the following articles:

Update details Rules Of Survival February 28

Reset Rank

S1 officially opened first season, ending S0 test season. All players on the test server will rely on the highest rank of S0 to create new ranks and accumulate points. All players with the top tier of the season will be awarded gold, while the gold tier or above will receive an additional Trial Season Commemoration Set.

New feature

  • Added 4 seasons feature for the scene, each battle has different Spring Summer, Fall Winter. However, if you want to experience the season change feature, you need to reload the game, can not update.

Rules Of Survial for Android Rules Of Survial for iOS

Features 4 seasons

  • Additional armed Jeeps with a capacity of 5 members, with a special seat to use the MG gun (consumes rifle bullets when fired).
  • Players can shoot on vehicles or kites equipped with MG guns (sit in a special position and use rifle bullets).
  • Make friends by scanning QR Code and with Radar, helping players make quick friends with people around.
  • View enemy information after being killed.
  • Open new fashion collections at the store such as: The Inflammatory Girl or the French Maid.
  • Add extremely impressive new gun skin.
  • Adjusted to make it easier for players to search in the store.

General experience

  • Added seat change button for air cushion train.
  • Optimize the background behind the vehicle (Shop).
  • Adjust the damage of land mines and claymine, instantly reducing lethality.
  • Optimized and fixed character names.
  • Added button to shoot with left hand on vehicle with machine gun.

Game ROS

Some bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where observing a match was suspended in an area or unable to move.
  • Fixed a bug where the game froze when the motorcycle was flipped over.
  • Fixed an issue where players were kicked back in the waiting room while watching a match but were disconnected and reconnected.
  • Fixed bug due to window jump.
  • Fixed flight abnormalities.
  • Fixes through wall and sheltered cases.

Let’s wait for the February 28 update to experience these exciting features. In addition, you should also refer to the following articles to play the game Rules Of Survival more effectively:

Wish you have fun playing the game!

Source link: What’s new in the Rules Of Survival update on February 28?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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