What’s new in League of Legends 9.11 update?

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League of Legends patch 9.11 is the first patch between each season, so there is a slight change. Most of the update tweaks skills, buffs, and nerfs simply, but they can have a big impact on a champion. The only big change players need to notice is Zac’s R, which is back.

Champions like Akali, Karthus, and Jayce all get very normal nerfs. Cooldown increases and damage reduction are changes that quite a lot of champions are suffering during this time, the biggest change is Janna and Yuumi.

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League of Legends – Update to the latest version 9.11

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League of Legends 9.11 update content

1. Zac is back

Last reworked in 2017, Zac didn’t really work. The goal was to turn League of Legends’ “blue blob” into a tank full of CC, and that goal has theoretically materialized, but the character’s new state isn’t as exciting as the old one.

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Therefore, to help Zac return to the way it was, once again Riot reverted his W, causing it to deal damage based on a percentage of the target’s maximum health, back to its original state. That means Zac can once again hurl himself into the backline, wreaking havoc in the same way he’s always intended.

2. Many champions have been nerfed

Like most mid-season minor updates, Riot focused its attention on some of the most influential characters in the game. That means champions like Akali and Jayce are both nerfed significantly. Not only that, jungler Karthus was also nerfed with R and Amumu too, Amumu’s passive skill reduced from 13% to 10%.

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3. General Yuumi . Fixed

Yuumi was a very controversial champion at the beginning, most players thought they could win with good players, or picked her as a first vote. row. Unfortunately Yuumi didn’t get any buffs in the League of Legends 9.11 update. The good news is that she will be getting her skill effects adjusted and improved to make the effects smoother, giving Yuumi players a better experience in terms of quality.

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4. Janna gets a boost

After a few years, Riot decided to buff Janna. Janna is buffed so she can shield her allies. Every time you slow an enemy or knock them back, the shield’s cooldown is reduced by 20 percent. This means Janna can create more shields, shield teammates more often, and you’ll likely see her appear in the game more often.

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5. Little Demon Tristana

League of Legends fans voted and Riot listened, the little monster Tristana is here. This is the skin that was selected through fan votes, it seems that Riot wants to make sure players can find something interesting in it to release colorful packs. So whatever your favorite color is, there’s probably a version of Tristana for you.

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Above are some details about the League of Legends 9.11 update that we want to give to readers in today’s game news, if you want. experience before the update of League of Legends, before being updated on the official version, you can refer to our article to be able to play League of Legends on the PBE system. Have a nice day readers.

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Source link: What’s new in League of Legends 9.11 update?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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