Valve adds a chat filter feature to handle toxic problems in CSGO

Toxic trong csgo
Toxic in css

The latest update from Valve has added an ‘unhealthy language’ filter function in the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

In the recent update of CSGO, the game has added a text filter function in chat. Users can turn this feature on and off in the game’s configuration. Text filtering was released months after Valve announced they would ban players from using voice chat if these people were constantly receiving toxic reports from their teammates.

In a blog post titled “Squelching the Noise“, the developer talks about the steps the company is taking to curb bad behavior in general for its first-person shooter, and text filtering is now the second option. two that users can limit the negativity while playing CSGO. Players can ‘mute’ teammates, as well as mute the whole team with just one click.

In the latest update of CSGO, the developer added a text filter that will block ‘swearing’ in CSGO’s game chat. The new option is enabled by default and can be found in the “Communication” section of the CSGO settings.

Valve thêm tính năng lọc chat để xử lý vấn nạn toxic trong CSGO - Emergenceingame

Players can choose to block other players’ names on both teams, as well as black out their avatars.

Valve is not the only CSGO server provider dealing with toxic behavior. Third-party server provider FACEIT launched AI Minerva earlier this year, designed to recognize and penalize toxic. FACEIT says that in the first few months of use, MINERVA saw “a 20% decrease in toxic messages in-game and a 10% decrease in all messages”.

Recent research shows that Valve’s other famous game, Dota 2, also has the most toxic community compared to many multiplayer games.

You can read more articles about CSGO here:

Source link: Valve adds a chat filter feature to handle toxic problems in CSGO

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