Tutorial: Different Roles of IGL in CSGO

Tutorial: Different Roles of IGL in CSGO

IGL is the most burdensome position in CS:GO. Of all the roles included in the game, this is the most extensive. Depending on the team and roster, the IGL can be responsible for many different things. In this article, we will analyze the responsibilities that the IGL may have to assume and select different captains – representing each captain’s playing style.

The first role that IGL needs to do is turn yourself into a person who can shoot like the other members.

Usually, IGL is considered to be one of the worst shooters on the team compared to the rest of the team. This is completely understandable when IGL doesn’t have much time to hone their individual skills, because they have to prepare and learn other things in the game. IGL’s time does not stop outside the game, but also takes place in the game: analyzing all the information, reading the opponent and calling the other members. For that reason, IGLs with good personal skills are quite rare.

The two best examples are Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo and Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander. FalleN was a shining AWPer in 2016, and did quite well in 2017. Gla1ve is currently a strong player in its own right and has far more individual stats than other IGLs. While ChrisJ is seen as a good leader, he often stands out for his personal skills rather than his IGL abilities. He is the one who can play entry frags, creates space and is the second AWPer on the team. This means that when the team is having a hard time, ChrisJ can play individually and make a splash.

The next role is tactic.

This is the system and tactic creator for the team. This is what people usually think of IGL. In CS:GO history, the most impressive captain in this area is probably Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander. Both the 2017 and 2018 Astralis lineups have some of the best tactic we’ve seen in CS:GO history, with in-depth tactic to every corner.

gla1ve - Emergenceingame

The third role is scouting.

This position is extremely important if you want to be stable for a long time, because the career of the players sometimes goes up and sometimes down. For that reason, the team needs to know which player they should recruit next when that moment comes. Obviously, any player can do scouting missions (e.g. Fernando “fer” Alvarenga was the one who introduced Marcelo “Coldzera” David to Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo), but overall the decision is up to IGL. . Because IGL is the one who understands the team system best, the role and knows the strengths/weaknesses of each player. One of those examples is Damian “daps” Steele from RNG. He was the captain of the tier 2 teams throughout his career. As a result, daps has developed the ability to find new talent for its team. He constantly finds unknown good players and gives them a chance. Some notable names are: Keith “NAF” Markovic, Oscar “mixwell” Canellas, Allan “AnJ” Jensen, Omar “MarkE” Jimenez, and Cvetelin “CeRq” Dimitrov.

daps NRG - Emergenceingame
daps hunt for raw gems

The third role is the coach/teacher.

This is when a leader guides the young members in roles, so that they understand the structure, tactics and their role in the system. Among the names, Mathias “MSL” Lauridsen is considered the best. While other IGLs are able to teach CS:GO well to young players like Nicolai “HUNDEN” Peterson, MSL is the one who brought in a lot of Danish talent, helping them to reach the level of international superstars. The list includes: Philip “aizy” Aistrup, Markus “Kjaerbye” Kjaerbye, Kristian “k0nfig” Wiencke, and Emil “Magisk” Reif.

MSL - Emergenceingame
MSL now leads Rogue after parting with North

The fifth role is anti-stratter.

Basically, this is the ability to detect the enemy’s tactics, tactics, and playstyle. It’s hard to see who’s the best in the role, but CS:GO’s best example might be Sean Gares, as he predicted the setup, tactics, and playstyles of many of the opponents Sean Gares faced over the summer. 2015 while playing for Cloud9.

Sean Gares - Emergenceingame
Sean Gares is now an analyst for CS:GO tournaments

The sixth role is called the strategist.

It is different from the aforementioned tactic. Tactic is the development and implementation of competitive rounds, eg 4-1, defaults, mid-round calls, tempo changes, deployments, etc. Tactics are shaping the way the team plays. Shaping here means that the members will play with a focus on who, and what their playing style is. The ability to create 5 members and help everyone see how the team plays. In this case, the best examples are Danylo “Zeus” Teslenko and Finn “karrigan” Andersen.

Zeus Navi - Emergenceingame

In the case of Zeus, he was the one to force his play on every team he led. He wants the team to control the map slowly and at the end of the round, read the opponent and the team to attack at the last moment. We’ve seen Zeus’ tactics through Na`Vi and Gambit. As for Karrigan, you have a completely different vision. He looks at each member’s strengths and weaknesses, and plays against their strengths. He can evaluate, analyze and depend on all 5 members to create a system that can work effectively immediately. While Zeus imposes his ideology on players, Karrigan lets his members develop their best skills, while still ensuring basic teamplay.

Karrigan FaZe - Emergenceingame
karrigan: “Who crows like me?”

The seventh role is the creator.

Leadership can be responsible for new things, to shape the meta. For example, French players often praised Vincent “Happy” Schopenhauer between 2014 and 2015 because his ideas disrupted the meta and created a forcebuying style of play – exploiting the game’s economics and they are still going strong. in effect until today. However, the best example in this role has to be gla1ve, as Astralis is always finding new ways to apply tactics, utilities and tournament to tournament play in 2018.

The eighth role is to be in control of the emotions/culture of the team. This is someone the members can rely on and is the creator of the team’s culture. Among the leaders, FalleN is the best. As he enjoys international success, he applies his work ethic and training style to his team. FalleN’s team focuses on CS theory, hard work, and FalleN’s own ideas of place and role, thereby making him one of the best AWPers in the world of 2016.

Guide to becoming IGL CS:GO Part 1

Player, tactic, teacher, anti-stratter, strategist, creator and emotional controller. Those are the roles that a CS:GO IGL should have. This is extremely difficult work, and many of those roles require completely separate skills. For that reason, in the history of CS:GO, we can name two leaders who completely mastered them: gla1ve and FalleN. As CS:GO becomes more and more expensive and systematic, finding leaders for the team, depending on their strengths and weaknesses, has become essential if you want to go far into the ocean.

According to VPEspots

Source link: Tutorial: Different Roles of IGL in CSGO
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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