Top support strong but not picked in meta 7.26 Dota 2

Top support strong but not picked in meta 7.26 Dota 2
winter wyvern - Emergenceingame

While the zoo lineup is what’s raging in the current patch, we still have heroes that have a win rate of over 50%, but aren’t being picked as much by the community. Many of these heroes are also not highly skilled and can be learned by most gamers. This article will talk about three support heroes that are strong in the 7.26 Dota 2 meta: they play well and can be buffed in the next patch.


Top support strong but not picked in meta 7.26 Dota 2

The Winter Wyvern can be unreliable. Hero is ineffective against lone targets and WW’s laning presence is also greatly limited by the long cooldown from Acrtic Burn and very low base damage. However, there is no better hero than Wyvern in handling the zoo push army in the middle of the game.

Splinter Blast is a ranged creep wave that can be used to protect towers from a safe distance. While it doesn’t kill wave creeps instantly, usually leaving one piece alone, Splinter Blast’s strength increases with the number of pieces your opponent has. It doesn’t really help you win against zoo squads, but it does allow the team to gather more resources around the map and be more ready when the opponent starts pushing the highground. This is one of the strong support skills against the zoo squad in patch 7.26.

Cold Embrace is also happy to heal/protect one of his teammates. It’s effective against heroes like Lycan and Beastmaster. The effect of the move is actually quite limited, as mid-range pub gamers can still somewhat draft a mix of damage (magic and physical), but if used correctly it can save your life. .

The biggest reason why this hero is strong lies in his ultimate. Winter’s Curse can quickly turn the tide in combat and very few zoo heroes are able to resist this move, especially when the opponent’s beasts are too large. It’s also effective against Lycan, a hero that often needs to get close to the target in the later stages of the game, but it can also be used on Beastmaster or one of the opponent’s teammates easily. A strong support that heroes in meta 7.26 are extremely afraid of.

Winter Wyvern currently has a win rate of almost 52% of all games at the highest rank and is probably the strongest opening pick for position 4 or 5 in pubs. The opponent is forced to abandon the animal formation, or will face the danger of the Winter Wyvern.


Top support strong but not picked in meta 7.26 Dota 2

51% win rate but this hero is rarely present in pubs right now. Vengeful Spirit is not a flashy hero in the game, but VS is quite effective. Even without the AoE lockdown, she’s still a very strong pick in most teamfights, while being a good teammate in lane.

The current Magic Missle must speak poorly. Magic Missle with Vengeful Spirit support is not strong. Of course. stun is still stun and 1.4 seconds disable is definitely always helpful. But it is best to only raise one point, instead of trying to max this skill, because the amount of additional damage is negligible.

Meanwhile, Wave of Terror, is really the tool to overwhelm the current lane. With regular practice, it will make it easier to eat range creeps in lane, if your opponent is always on the lookout for me denying, while annoying them with armor debuffs. Armor subtraction is what makes Wave of Terror useful and powerful until later in the game, as -6 armor is really strong.

Vengeance Aura is also worth analyzing. The extra range is always useful in most games, but it’s the extra stats that make the hero so appealing. Your leading tank teammate will be stronger, the spellcaster can cast more moves, and the team’s agility will gain extra DPS and a bit of armor. Depending on the game and on whether your carry is ranged or not, we can increase the max aura in those games.

However, like Winter Wyren, it’s the ultimate that’s the thing to praise. Nether Swap is one of the most mobile and powerful moves in the game: it can be used to save, initiate combat, cancel TP (through BKB) and it also has two charges. Choosing the right standing position is what many pub gamers have the most difficulty and Vengeful Spirit can punish opponents if they choose the wrong standing position. In addition, Nether Swap is also used to correct mistakes from teammates who choose the wrong position, sacrificing themselves to save them. What a very strong support in many different versions not only in 7.26.


Top support strong but not picked in meta 7.26 Dota 2

For some reason bouncing heroes are only present in about 7% of all games, despite being very powerful, especially before the zoo meta. Dark Willow has high damage, a good AoE, can save himself, and later in the game, has the potential to solo kill the opponent’s core. Dark Willow can’t be underestimated when playing as a support, even though the hero wasn’t rated as strong in patch 7.26.

Bramble Mazetuy takes time to form and is not hard disable and can be dodged, but when the opponent has to control more than 4 pieces at once, mistakes can and will happen. Lycan not having a minion by his side can give his teammates a little longer survivability and potential survival through the process. That means they can use spells and become useful to the team.

Similarly, Cursed Crown might not be the best AoE stun, since it’s easy to dispell and takes time for the stun to happen, but if you know the setup it will help teamfight, which forces the opponent to react in most cases.

Shadow Realm is considered the best self-save for supports. You cannot be selected as a target. so Dark Willow only has to worry about a few strong AoE spells. You also get a pretty painful hit to the suppports and sometimes the core. More importantly, it allows Dark Willow to rampage without risk, dealing as much damage as Bedlam, while remaining safe.

Finally, we have Terrorize, and this skill probably needs no introduction. Once hit, it can quickly send heroes like Lycan away from the teamfight, and when they return, the fight is probably over. However, make sure it has a small opponent, or else cancel the animation: worrying about getting Terrorize often has more effect than Terrorize itself (meaning you see the animation is already running, instead of waiting for Terrorize to complete. all): you can force your opponent to react and let him do what you want without spending mana. However, if used and it does not work as expected, the opponent will be a lot more confident.


The next patch will be out soon, but when Valve said they will focus on changing items first, the article feels that the zoo meta may not disappear completely. Of course, the Necronomicon will probably be nerfed, but the new Lycan and Beastmaster need to be tweaked so that they no longer dominate the game.

In the meantime, you can explore these forgotten heroes to better adapt to the meta.

According to dotabuff

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