Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

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Below is a compilation of the list of open world survival games that allow gamers to build the most worth playing in 2021.

Today, games not only make us happy but also simulate extremely real life, helping people to immerse themselves in a world they can hardly experience in real life but only in dreams. Many open-world RPGs over the years have implemented more simulation-style elements to immerse players more in the game world.

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

One of the elements that is most loved by the gaming community is the feature of building shelters for their characters. Many games allow gamers to choose a house, but others go further by allowing players to find materials and then build themselves a house to their own liking using tools that they use. game allows. Build your own home in a game like gamers have a second vacation home that gamers can disappear at any time and many titles offer great opportunities to create something that’s special. Below is a compilation of the list of open world survival games that allow gamers to build the most worth playing in 2021.

10. Conan Exiles

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

This game allows gamers to control the legendary hero Conan, although not the most expected when released, but many gamers have been overwhelmed by the game world that Conan Exiles brings. After all, Conan Exiles is a very fun survival game and steps away from the mind battle and focuses more on item management and creating your own houses to survive the night and control. harsh conditions. No one thought this title would be good, however many gamers have been proven wrong as they now have beautiful houses in Conan Exiles

9. Fallout 4

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

It’s surprising that a series of games that focus on survival in a post-apocalyptic context makes gamers take so long to implement house creation as an indispensable feature. Fallout 4 has been extremely successful in allowing players to create not only a house but a town of their own from the ruins of a previous civilization to protect themselves and their people from enemies. It is fun to manage a town and then go through the main quests in the game, but it is a nightmare when gamers lose their home to attackers.

8. Subnautica

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

This is the first undersea survival game that helps players build houses and explore the dark deep sea, surely this game will make gamers fall in love after the first hours of play. Gamers can create their own underwater home and can branch it off into a fully submerged facility to find new and exotic undersea lands.

7. No Man’s Sky

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

Although not well received at launch due to hype and overwhelming expectations, No Man’s Sky has improved significantly in the years since its initial release. With the Next Update, No Man’s Sky has become the quintessential space exploration game, with endless galaxies to explore. And with as many planets as No Man’s Sky allows players to access, as well as many completely new houses can be created on each planet. Players can scavenge for materials and start building houses to create their perfect space, to relax or provide shelter from harsh conditions on a distant planet.

6. The Forest

A survival horror game in every sense, The Forest puts gamers in the role of a plane crash survivor, as they search for their missing son. Gamers must take shelter and craft weapons to survive the elements and potentially dangerous cannibals that populate the forest area. Gamers can create the best shelters for their specific needs, but gamers may not have a chance to settle down in the world of The Forest, as they need to constantly move forward to save her lost son. The Forest is a thrilling game and there are not many comfortable forest houses that can prepare gamers for the experience.

5. Ark: Survival Evolved

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

Ark: Survival Evolved has attracted a large number of gamers despite being underrated. Gamers are sent to an island full of dinosaurs and must build a fortified house to be able to fend off cold-blooded hunters. Gamers can team up in multiplayer and figure out how to survive these giant beasts, and a well-functioning tribe can easily create a protected home that will become the focus of the market. prehistoric town.

4. Don’t Starve

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

Don’t Starve is an excellent adventure game that pits gamers against the extreme survival factors of nature. Like the game’s name, at the start gamers are dropped into the randomly generated open world to survive for as many days as possible. Gamers can create their own home if they take the time to gather the right materials and don’t starve. A recent expansion called Don’t Starve Together adds a co-op mode and makes it easier and less lonely for gamers to be in the wilderness. Don’t Starve can be frustrating for any new gamer, but a good home can go a long way.

3. Terraria

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

Terraria is a 2D adventure game where the in-game world is randomly generated very reminiscent of Minecraft if it were released on Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis. Terraria will help players build, craft, protect themselves, and make the most of this cubic world. A nice little house can be created to hold the player’s equipment and crafting table, to protect it and the player himself from the scary things outside.

2. Minecraft

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

Referring to construction games, of course, we must immediately think of Minecraft. Forget about your ordinary everyday house: in Minecraft gamers have the ability to create cities, huge kingdoms and simple summer houses. It’s Creative mode however, as gamers have struggled to make a home in survival mode and the heavy duty modes have proven to be extremely difficult. The Minecraft hype hasn’t died yet and gamers are bound to continue to create their own incredible houses.

1. Red Dead Redemption 2

Top 10 open world survival games that allow gamers to build their own peaceful home

After gamers have finished playing a lot of survival games, Red Dead Redemption becomes the next game to help gamers relax. Red Dead Redemption 2 offers a long and fun period where gamers can build a house, and it’s nothing but pure fun. Although not the creator of the handmade house in this huge open world adventure game, building the house after participating in a number of mini games and accompanied by a deep song promises to linger. Gamers miss forever.

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