Tips to play Badland Brawl win every match

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Badland Brawl is a strategy game that is loved by many players. In the game, players can participate in PvP or 2vs2 mode as they like. The main goal in Badland Brawl is to destroy your opponent’s castle with armies of your choice. However, to help you win every match, you can refer to Badland Brawl tips here.

Badland Brawl is a strategy game with realistic physics-based gameplay that is both fun and challenging with the familiar slingshot or coordinate shooting formula. You need to deploy your combat units to defeat the enemy, head for your opponent’s tower and destroy it before they do it to you. Tips for playing Badland Brawl Winning every match shared in the following article will help you fight more effectively and increase your chances of winning.

How to play badland brawl every time

The most effective way to play Badland Brawl

Tips to play Badland Brawl win every match

1. Practice before joining a PvP match

Eager to join the PvP match? Don’t rush, you should learn the strengths and weaknesses of each unit on your team before the first PvP battle. Badland Brawl has a practice mode, allowing you to fight bots to try different combos and improve your strategy.

Badland brawl is fighting every time

To start practicing, swipe left and tap Practice in the My Party section. To see how a certain unit moves and attacks, you touch the image of that unit and press select Practice on the information page of the combat unit.

2. Your team is not complete without Bomb Spider and Drone

Bomb Spider and Drone are some of the bomb-carrying units in Badland Brawl. They should be on your team if you really want to win a PvP or 2v2 match. These 2 units deal massive damage on hit and can be very useful in co-op battles.

badland brawl experience

Both units require 4 mana to deploy. This mana requirement is not too much considering the damage they do to enemy towers. Don’t forget to upgrade Bomb Spider and Drone to increase HP and damage when you get duplicate cards of these 2 units.

3. Combine bombs with bomb boosters

Combining bombs with a unit that pushes them towards enemy towers is the best way to deal massive damage to your opponents. You’ll need to first launch a bomb and then deploy Blast Rocket to push the bomb towards enemy towers. You can also send Big Smith to smash the bomb and make it fly into the opponent’s tower.

4. Combos can work wonders in co-op battles

how to play badland brawl

When you join a tribe, you can join a 2v2 battle with a clan member or random player. When fighting, you can try various combos with your teammates. If the person deploys the Spider Bomb, then you can launch the Drone. If a teammate drops a bomb, you can send Big Smith, who can blow anything up, including bombs with his hammer. Basically, what you should do is send an airborne unit if your teammates deploy a ground unit and vice versa.

5. Upgrade golden eggs to get more rewards

How to play Badland Brawl in battle style

In Badland Brawl, you will get a golden egg as a reward for winning. You will also get a free brown egg every 4 hours. You can upgrade the golden egg to double the reward received.

6. Clone card upgrade

As you get more and more trophies, you will face tougher opponents. Upgrade your best cards to improve their stats, to successfully face any challenge. To upgrade the Clone card, you will need a certain number of copies. You can get them from eggs you get from PvP battles, equipment eggs, or from brown eggs.

how to play game loser Badland Brawl

You will get a crown when you upgrade your card. Collect crowns to level up and increase your tower’s HP and damage.

7. Join a tribe

You should join a tribe if you want to participate in special events and receive equipment eggs. The best thing is that you can enter a 2v2 match, compete with other players. Besides, you will receive additional equipment when opening special tribe equipment eggs. You can also trade Clone cards with tribe members. Those are some of the benefits of joining a tribe in the Badland Brawl.

Link to download the latest Badland Brawl for Android and iPhone:

=> Badland Brawl download link for Android
KHVN download now android - Emergenceingame

=> Link to download Badland Brawl for iPhone
download now ios - Emergenceingame
Badland Brawl is highly regarded for its gameplay and has received several prestigious awards. You will definitely have a great experience while playing the game. Hopefully some of the above Badland Brawl tips will help you win effectively and improve your achievements in the game.

Related keywords:

How to play badland brawl every time

how to play Badland Brawl for newbies, Play Badland Brawl effectively,

Source link: Tips to play Badland Brawl win every match

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