Tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time without losing fruit and wilting leaves

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Not only choosing but also tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time, without losing fruit, wilting leaves that you need to pay attention to during Tet. The tree stirs yellow berries and fresh leaves to help bring a bustling Tet atmosphere and bring luck and peace to your family.

You know, choosing is difficult, taking care of kumquats in pots to stay fresh for a long time, fruit not falling and leaves not wilting is even harder. To keep the kumquat tree yellow and fresh during the Lunar New Year, remember to follow one of the following: Tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time down here.

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How to keep kumquats fresh for a long time during Tet

Tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time, without losing fruit and wilting leaves

Way 1

To keep the kumquat tree fresh for a long time, before planting the kumquat tree in a pot placed indoors, you should layer a layer of cinder-free cinder at the bottom of the pot, then put the tree in the pot and then pour in loose soil to ensure that the tree has nutrients. nursing. This helps the water drain faster as well as make the plant feel more open.

Way 2

I'm sorry, I can't shake it, I'm so sorry 2

How to take care of fresh kumquats on Tet holiday

Do not over water or fertilize with too much water. This will cause the tree to rot the roots, slowly the tree will die. Ideally, you should use a small watering can to spray the plants or use your hands to sprinkle water on the foliage about 2 times a day and water the base of the plant with enough moisture to ensure that the leaves are still fresh and not wilted.

Way 3

Besides paying attention to choosing a kumquat tree with a pot of soil, you need to pay attention to how to keep kumquat fresh for a long time, then you should plant kumquat in a large pot, with many openings to be able to add more soil without the plant’s pot feeling pressured. .

How to choose to buy beautiful, long-lasting kumquats

The first thing when choosing to buy a kumquat tree is that you should pay attention to the soil of the kumquat tree. If the potting soil is broken, within a short time the plant will wilt and die.

To keep kumquats fresh for a long time, you should buy young trees, trees that do not have concentric circles on the trunk, large, glossy and dark green leaves and berries, stretch evenly. Should choose trees with a round canopy, bunches of fruits showing evenly on all sides. Most of the kumquat trees sold during the Tet holiday have ripe fruit, but you should choose the tree with green veins because these are newly ripened fruits, so Tet will last for a long time.

Kumquat trees with many young buds, young fruits, buds and flowers are often beautiful kumquat trees, capable of staying fresh for a long time. But for such kumquat trees, you will have to spend more effort and investment costs.

Currently, many sellers of kumquats do not have the heart to often add fresh branches and fresh leaves to the trunk to attract customers, so when buying kumquat trees for Tet, you should also remember and pay attention to check the tree carefully to avoid sellers. trick you.

The above tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time will be useful advice for you, helping your kumquat trees during Tet stay fresh and yellow to bring the bustling atmosphere of spring day.

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Related keywords:

keep kumquats fresh for a long time

how to take care of kumquats in pots,

Source link: Tips to keep kumquats fresh for a long time without losing fruit and wilting leaves

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