Tips for building and editing buildings quickly and accurately in Fortnite

Tips for building and editing buildings quickly and accurately in Fortnite

Learning how to aim in Fortnite is only half the recipe to victory – building and repairing structures is just as important. This article will show you how to build Fortnite as well as how to edit walls, slopes, and floors.

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Fortnite is easy to start for anyone who has touched a PC shooter before. But survive until the last 10 players are left and the game tempo changes completely, full of sensational reflexes and perfect aim with your ability to build a beautiful fortress (or flip! messy) in just a few seconds. For someone new to Fortnite, it’s the most frustrating skill to master. But don’t be too hard on yourself – follow a few simple principles, change a few of your habits, memorize a few basic building shapes and you’ll be a Fortnite master. Our Fortnite building tips will set you on the path to becoming a master architect.

Collect materials while moving

There’s no point in learning how to build without ultimately having the materials to practice in battle. Unless you suspect a player is nearby, always have a pickaxe in hand. Smash items of all kinds as you move (stuff is an easy target inside buildings), and if you’re not in a hurry then prioritize storing wood. Get wood from trees, but never knock them all out – falling trees are a great way to let people know your exact location. Remember to move while you are swinging the pickaxe too. Wriggle around while you’re swinging the pickaxe, jumping all the way up to make sure your head doesn’t stay still for a second. A sniper might be waiting somewhere.

Adjust the construction keys

Battles like this will be difficult with the default button setup

The default setting binds the built-in buttons in the function row on the keyboard (F1, F2, F3,…), which are out of reach if you have medium-sized hands. You can still press Q to cycle through each building type one at a time, but that’s still too slow for the insanely fast-paced road and bridge battles in Fortnite. Please re-bind the construction keys according to your preferences and in the order of priority of each type. You’ll be using walls and slopes the most, so bind those two keys to Q and F (or E if you’re willing to bind the Use button elsewhere). Use Z, X, C for the rest of the building types such as floors, traps, and pyramids. Try a few matches to get used to, the standard is that you can switch to the type of construction you need as quickly as the way your ex turned on you. Experiment until you find a setting that works for you, remember to share below the article to let everyone know.

Build slopes to hide in open areas

If you need to cross an open area and suspect you are being watched, remember to build the ramp first. Run zig-zag, jump, and walk while building ramps to cover, , if bullets come, continue running while building ramps. Keep sprinting, but don’t necessarily run up every ramp you build. They give a partial cover, but will also make the enemy think that you are about to jump over the slope you just put down. Be erratic: run uphill randomly, build a few more to mess up, varying lengths, and you’ll be out of the way.

Learn how to build a simple fortress

This is one of the most important constructions in Fortnite, especially for new players. Sometimes you need to build one like this to keep all 4 sides safe and also be able to look out to shoot back. Build 4 walls around and jump up to build a slope right under your feet. If you need a higher position then just repeat the steps above. Again place 4 walls around, jump up and put a piece of floor down first if you are not skilled, then place a slope between the 4 walls.

Note that you should not figure out the same position many times in a row. Stay on the move and make your enemies guess where you’ll be next.

Add campfire to your fortress

If you are injured and have to build a fortress to defend, you should both heal and drink armor in the meantime. Campfire can heal even when placed on a slope, remember this.

Built to jump downhill

Since you’ve set the button to build the floor slab in an easy-to-reach place, when jumping down a steep slope you can build each slab to block without losing blood, sometimes losing your life. You can drop a range without losing health, so watch and save materials, you may need it later.

The steep tunnel will safely take you up high

Whoever has the higher position wins in Fortnite, but getting to that height can be a problem if you’re under attack from many sides. That’s when you should use the slope tunnel. Start by building a wall, then start running up and building slopes both below and above your character. Continuously building up and down is not easy, a little loophole is that you can make mistakes right away, but if you can do it, there is a high chance that you will reach the required height safely.

Please edit the work

In 1-on-1 matches, players often build without a plan in mind, leading to very confusing and messy constructions created by two people. Don’t rush to destroy your building if you get stuck in a corner. Remember editing buildings can change them fast enough if you’re good at it. Removing a tile will create a window, giving you just enough space to shoot unexpected enemies. Removing two squares will create a door that can be opened and closed to escape or attack. It is also a good idea to create a hole in the floor to jump down to attack someone, or to leave the entire floor on which the enemy is standing so that he can squeeze himself. Or like the Ninja in the clip above, create a window just enough to fire a missile to detect through, find the enemy and defeat him. Don’t try to edit enemy buildings – you can only do this to your own or your allies’ buildings.

Use the editing tool to see through

edit structures fortnite battle royale.w1456 - Emergenceingame
PC or mobile versions are see-through

Squeezed? Using the edit tool, click on parts of the building to get a better view of the other side. As long as you don’t finish editing, the wall will return to normal once you stop editing.

The locations where many people land are very suitable for using traps

If you land at Tilted Towers or another crowded place, don’t hesitate to set the trap you just picked up. Place it behind you if possible, near a tight spot where you think players will pass. The sound of spikes hitting an unattended person serves as an anti-theft alarm, a good sign that it’s time to get some quick loot and start moving. However, don’t get caught in the trap, remember to look at the ceiling and walls through doors or homemade pits before entering a small room.

Bonus: Here’s Myth demonstrating the speed at which a 1×1 fortress is built. He set it up like this: Z wall, X floor and C slope as you can see in the clip

Source: pcgamer

Source link: Tips for building and editing buildings quickly and accurately in Fortnite

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