This Is the Police 2, a police force simulation game, will be released this August

This Is the Police 2, a police force simulation game, will be released this August

THQ Nordic today announced that the police corruption simulation game, This Is the Police 2, will launch on PC this August 2. In a slightly different move, THQ Nordic did not release a new trailer to “celebrate” this game. Below is the gameplay trailer from April.

This Is the Police is a management-adventure game about a corrupt cop in a “dirty” world. Although it looks promising, the game has not lived up to expectations as many people think. With This Is the Police 2, developer Weappy kept the old character but changed the game quite a lot and added a turn-based combat XCOM style of play.

Season 2 is very different from the original, but at a glance it doesn’t seem very impressive: The game should focus on the narrative and make sure every decision and action has its price. But game director Ilya Yanovich said in April that tactical missions will affect the way you manage the police department, making it somewhat more interesting.

“The circumstances affect the way you play. If you have good and well-equipped cops, you will find tactical missions less challenging. But if you only have drinkers, things get much more challenging.”

This Is the Police 2 is available now on Steam (but can’t be pre-purchased) and the game also has its own website on In addition to the PC version, the game is also released on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Source link: This Is the Police 2, a police force simulation game, will be released this August

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