The Summoning Flag was officially removed this week

The Summoning Flag was officially removed this week
co lenh hieu trieu chinh thuc bi xoa bo tuan nay - Emergenceingame

As if the current meta isn’t chaotic enough.

Riot announced the removal of the Command Flag item from the game last week, for now, until the design team can put all their attention on this item and can figure out how to balance it. .

The decision to completely remove a very popular item in the meta speaks volumes about Riot’s intentions. Champions that used to rely on this item to maintain their strength will now be noticeably weaker, on the other hand, champions that have been countered will now have more room to carry the team.

The thing is that the departure of Chess will likely cause the champions that benefit from it to crowd into the meta, and will mean the meta will once again be affected during the chaotic times when Yasuo and Mordekaiser moving horizontally. Here are the champions that benefited when the Summoner’s Flag was wiped out.


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Singed is a champion born to split push, but he doesn’t have a strong duel ability like some other split push champions. For example, Singed has always had a hard time dealing with other split push champions like Fiora, Camille, or Irelia. Singed only excels at slamming and luring enemies into trails of poison, a mechanic unique to him.

Singed used to be strong in the meta, but he was sidelined with the rise of the Summoning Flag. His slow and continuous damage split push was almost nullified by a minion enhanced with Command Flags. Singed takes too long to kill that minion, tank champions simply build this item to balance his laning power and end up getting stronger over time. match.

When Command Flag was removed, Singed’s main counter was also gone. No doubt he’ll be used more by players than before, maybe even in the professional arena, and don’t be too surprised when Singed can get a few nerfs to balance it out. .

Zyra, Brand, and other damage supports

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Zyra and Brand were made very strong early in the season thanks to the rune changes and got stronger when the big changes to their AP and Shine Stone items came out. When they were starting to gain popularity, that was when Co Lenh emerged, forcing them to stay where they were.

Basically, at the highest levels, tank supports start to land on Flag, and suddenly the passive bot lanes can suddenly excel at pushing against lanes that have The mage has a lot of damage and the ability to clear minions. With the departure of Chess, tankers now have fewer tools to deal with damage-heavy supports.

However, this also comes with conditions. The bot lane meta is different than ever, with gladiators like Yasuo and Alistar or Irelia and Ornn as strong picks. Paper mages will have a hard time dealing with those champions. So if gladiator champions with high damage don’t leave bot lane early, with or without Flag, champions like Brand and Zyra will still have a rough time.

Syndra, Orianna, Ahri and other controlling magicians

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Another champion that can’t cope well with the Summoner’s Flag item are mid lane mages. Control mage has all AoE damage, and was once able to lane against high mobility mages by quickly clearing minions with his AoE ability and then roaming to support teammates or enemies Go to your forest.

When Command Flags surfaced in the meta, AoE abilities that used to be able to clear minions fast enough to create some space were no longer able to stop a wave of minions fast enough. When facing a bull soldier buffed by Flag, it takes more than a combo followed by a few minutes of waiting and killing that minion with dozens of basic attacks. And if it reaches the turret it will take even longer to push the lane high enough again to be able to gank a bit.

Anyway, before the Chess meta, these mages had too much power, and the departure of this item will probably bring them back to dominance, surpassing the mages in the meta right now. . Anyway, mid lane players are still not popular with Command Flag, so they don’t get too much buff, at least in the early game.

The presence of Chess in the mid-game is what stands in the way of mages taking control, which is also when they are at their strongest, as Chess was wiped out this week.

Source link: The Summoning Flag was officially removed this week

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