The most ‘great’ bad endings in PC titles

The most 'great' bad endings in PC titles

The game world is full of surprising, dark and downright brutal endings for those who enjoy the cruel gameplay. In this list, we’ll focus on the final moments in the game that satisfy your darkest desires, making you feel like the ultimate villain.


Dishonored is a game about revenge. Corvo’s legacy is tarnished by a bunch of greedy bloodsuckers, and you must do your best to regain your rightful throne, and assassinate those who dare stand in your way. However, if bloodlust is your instinct, and civilians are unimportant casualties in your quest for glory, you could end up with a detailed video of a city that has fallen into ruin. Extreme chaos and you will rule a kingdom full of rats, plagues and blood-sucking creatures.

BioShock 2

Similar to Dark Souls 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, BioShock 2 is a game where the publisher squeezes out the development studio to make a sequel that uses the same elements and formula from the first part and makes the first part a classic game. However Bioshock 2 it’s still so wonderful, weird, and with its bad ending, that Little Sister sucks your life into it to conquer the world – applying all the selfish lessons you’ve taught it. At least this is still a better ending than the first BioShock.

Far Cry 3

Surely many of us think Far Cry will quietly pass into oblivion. This first game is a technical surprise, from the Crytek years, but it also has one of the worst storylines ever. Ubisoft’s idea seems to be Far Cry 3 will revive the series with a horribly bad story, and one of the most disgusting villains in AAA gaming history, sounds much worse now than it did back then. Politically, Far Cry 3 It’s not very popular with players, but the ending where you kill all your friends and then get your heart pierced while having sex as part of an ancient ritual is truly brutal (understatement). ).

Sid Meier’s Civilization

Throughout the series, you will be able to achieve ultimate victory through clever diplomacy or brilliant culture. Or you can use all your points to invest in war and stab all the other civilizations on the map in the back until you have created the One World Government your tyrannical heart so desperately desires. . Thanks to the developer Firaxis, for helping you realize that evil has always existed in humanity.

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

Kane in Command & Conquer Not a character with the most subtle role in gaming history, but certainly the most memorable. Playing the director of a fanatical society called the Brotherhood of Nod, his greatest moment was at the end of the second installment of the series, Tiberian Sun, when he made a victory declaration before dropping nuclear bombs on the entire planet. Watch that ending now, and you’ll be even more upset when EA decides to revive this great series as a mobile game. Joseph D. Kucan (developer) really knows how to make the life of a dictator look glamorous.


Even though it’s so dark, no game has a “Genocide” ending like Undertale. It’s more of an easter egg than part of the plot, but basically if you complete this weird RPG by killing every character you meet, you’ll unlock a special cutscene where you clear all of your saves himself, and finally “end the world”. It’s really heartbreaking when you realize how much love and care Toby Fox (developer) has put into the plot of the story. Undertale, and how vulnerable each character is. But more important is how easy it is to kill characters in a game, and how much we feel like hitting the “attack” button.

Knights of the Old Republic

Both use a system of choice and decision making, but the series Mass Effect and Dragon Age of Bioware has been developed more thoroughly and deeply Knights of the Old Republic (also by Bioware). However, it still delivers a great ending. If you decide to go the dark side, you can complete the story mode as the new Sith Lord with full control of a mighty force and an equally hot and evil girlfriend. It feels ridiculously gorgeous, to the point where it doesn’t matter what the front side does. What’s a game for, if you can’t make your own Darth Vader?

According to PCgamer

Source link: The most ‘great’ bad endings in PC titles

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