The degree of influence of Pokemon systems with each other
Pokemon GO is the hottest monster hunting game on mobile. After a short launch, Pokemon GO quickly created a global “fever”. To win multiple matches, you need to know Generation in Pokemon GO.
All Pokemon species and their moves belong to certain systems. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of attack and defense. Pokemon GO has all 18 classes. And of course kBlack Generation Pokemon will also be different. This factor significantly affects the success or failure of a war. For example, if the skill you use counter Pokemon generation of the opponent, the ability to attack or defend can be multiplied and vice versa.
You can see more about Pokemon Generations In the previous post, but fast, the 18 Pokemon GO systems in Pokemon GO include:
18 Pokemon in Pokemon GO
Pokemon GO for iOS Pokemon GO for Android
One interesting thing about playing Pokemon Go, is that these Pokemon can greatly affect or vice versa (with no effect at all) on other Pokemon in battle. Therefore, players need to grasp this detail to be able to use Pokemon appropriately for each match.
- 0%: Ineffective.
- 50%: Attack power is halved.
- 100%: Normal attack.
- 200%: The attack is doubled in strength.
Know what kind of Pokemon my Pokemon belong to? Which system can hurt greatly when confronted? Or can easily defeat any type of Pokemon? As the most basic thing when playing the game Pokemon GO, at the same time, is also a very important condition to be able to win. In this article, let’s find out about the similarities in Pokemon GO.
Normal-type Pokemon (NORMAL)
- Typical types: Castform, Chansey, Ditto, Eevee, Jigglypuff, Togepi …
- Attack Ability:
- Does not work with Us: Ghost.
- Attack power halved with systems: Rock, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Unscathed by Us: Ghost.
- Damaged twice as much if dealing with system: Fight.
- Skills can be learned: Strength, Thrash.
Ice-type Pokemon (ICE)
- Typical types: Articuno, Delibird, Jynx, Snorunt, Spheal, Regice …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Dragon, Flying, Gras and Ground.
- Attack power halved with systems: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by Us: Ice.
- Get double damage if facing the system: Fight, Steel, Rock, Fire.
- Skills you can learn: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Puch.
Pokemon Earth (GROUND)
- Typical species: Dugtrio, Groudon …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel.
- Attack power is halved for the following systems: Bug, Grass.
- No effect on System: Flying.
- Defense ability:
- Unscathed by Us: Electric.
- Slightly hurt by the system: Poison, Rock.
- Deals double damage against: Ice, Grass, Water.
- Skills you can learn: Mud Sport, Earthquake, Dig.
Grass-type Pokemon (GRASS)
- Typical species: Meganium, Oddish, Sunkern, Treecko, Naetle …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Ground, Rock, Water.
- Attack power halved with systems: Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Lightly damaged by system: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water.
- Get double damage against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison.
- Skills you can learn: Solarbeam, Leaf Blade, Magical Leaf.
Pokemon Ghost, Soul (GHOST)
- Typical types: Banette, Gengar, Misdreavus …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Ghost, Psychic.
- Attack power halved for different types: Dark.
- Has no effect on Us: Normal.
- Defense ability:
- Uninjured by Us: Normal and Fight.
- Slightly hurt by the system: Bug, Poison.
- Damaged twice as much if facing system: Dark, Ghost.
- Skills you can learn: Cruse, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch.
Flying-type Pokemon (FLYING)
- Typical types: Ho-oh, Dragonite …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Bug, Fighting, Grass.
- Attack power halved with systems: Electric, Rock, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Not hurt by Us: Ground.
- Slightly hurt by the system: Bug, Fighting, Grass.
- Deals double damage against system: Electric, Ice, Rock.
- Skills you can learn: Sky Attack, Aeroblast.
Fire-type Pokemon (FIRE)
- Typical species: Entei, Moltres, Charizard, Magmar …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel.
- Attack power halved for: Dragon, Fire, Rock, Water.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by system: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel.
- Deals double damage against system: Ground, Rock, Water
- Skills you can learn: Sky Attack, Aeroblast.
Combat-type Pokemon (FIGHT)
- Typical types: Machamp, Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel.
- Attack power is halved for: Bug, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic.
- Does not work with Us: Ghost.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by the system: Bug, Dark, Rock.
- Deals double damage against: Fairy, Flying, Psychic.
- Skills you can learn: Focus Punch, Superpower.
Electric Pokemon (ELECTRIC)
- Typical species: Zapdos, Amphamos, Raikou, Electabuzz.
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Flying, Water.
- Attack power is halved for: Dragon, Electric, and Grass.
- No effect on system: Ground.
- Defense ability:
- Lightly hurt by system: Electric, Flying, Steel.
- Deals double damage against system: Ground
- Skills can be learned: Thunder, Volt tackle, Zap cannon, Thunderbolt.
Dragon-type Pokemon (DRAGON)
- Typical categories: Dragonnite, Gyarados, Latios and Latias.
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Dragon
- Attack power halved with systems: Steel.
- Does not work on System: Fairy.
- Defense ability:
- Lightly damaged by: Electric, Fire, Grass, Water.
- Damaged double against system: Dragon, Fairy, Ice.
- Skills you can learn: Outrage, Dragon Claw.
Bug-type Pokemon (BUG)
- Typical species: Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Dark, Grass, Psychic.
- Attack power is halved with the following systems: Fairy, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Poison, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Lightly damaged by the system: Fighting, Grass, Ground.
- Deals double damage against system: Fire, Flying, Rock.
- Skills you can learn: Megahorn, Signal Beam.
Poison-type Pokemon (POISON)
- Typical species: Gloom, Gulpin, Spinarak, Muk, Weezing …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Fairy, Grass.
- Attack power halved for: Ghost, Ground, Poison, Rock.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by the system: Bug, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Poison.
- Damaged double against system: Ground, Psychic.
- Possible Skills: Toxic, Poison Tail, and Sludge Bomb.
Psychic Pokemon (PSYCHIC)
- Typical species: Mewtwo, Mew, Alakazam …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Fighting, Poison.
- Attack power halved with: Psychic, Steel.
- Does not work on Us: Dark.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by Us: Fighting, Psychic.
- Damaged double against system: Bug, Dark, Ghost.
- Skills you can learn: Psybeam, Confusion, Psychic.
Rock type Pokemon (ROCK)
- Typical species: Golem, Regirock …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice.
- Attack power halved with: Fighting, Ground, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly damaged by: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison.
- Get double damage if facing system: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water.
- Skills you can learn: Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Ancientpower.
Steel Pokemon (STEEL)
- Typical types: Beldum, Aggron, Steelix, Mawile, Registeel, Dialga …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Fairy, Ice, Rock.
- Attack power halved with systems: Electric, Fire, Steel, Water.
- Defense ability:
- Unscathed by Us: Poison.
- Slightly damaged by the system: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Nomal, Psychic, Rock, Steel.
- Get double damage if facing system: Fighting, Fire, Ground.
- Skills you can learn: Steel Wing, Iron Tail, Meteor Mash …
Water-type Pokemon (WATER)
- Typical types: Kyogre, Slowking, Vaporeon …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Fire, Ground, Rock.
- Attack power is halved for the following systems: Dragon, Grass, Water.
- Defense ability:
- Lightly hurt by system: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water.
- Deals double damage against system: Electric, Grass.
- Skills you can learn: Surf, Water Fall.
Fairy-type Pokemon (FAIRY)
- Typical categories: Xerneas, Sylveon, Togekiss …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Dark, Dragon, Fight.
- Attack power halved with systems: Fire, Poison, Steel.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by the System: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Dragon.
- Double damage against system: Poison, Steel.
- Skills you can learn: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam.
Dark-type Pokemon (DARK)
- Typical species: Tyranitar, Houndoom, Umbreon …
- Attack Ability:
- Attack twice as powerful with systems: Ghost, Psychic.
- Attack power is halved with the following systems: Dark, Fairy, Fighting.
- Defense ability:
- Slightly hurt by the system: Dark, Ghost, Psychic.
- Damaged twice as much if dealing with: Bug, Fairy, Fighting.
- Skills you can learn: Crunch, Faint Attack, Bite.
Knowing the rules and remembering these characteristics of Pokemon will help you avoid your Pokemon from dangerous battles, and easily choose a reasonable Pokemon against other players.
Wish you have fun and entertaining moments!
Update: March 5, 2021
Source link: The compatibility of generations in Pokemon GO