TFT: Top 8 important changes that gamers should note in version 10.16 (P.1) thay doi dtcl 0 - Emergenceingame

1. The new Tianhe split equipment

The new Thien Ha named Fragile Warehouse will officially appear. When you sell a champion that has a complete item, you will get 2 component items back in your inventory, if that champion holds more than 1 item, all large items will be split into pieces. component equipment. This is a universe where players need to use a lot of skill and is a universe that is considered quite difficult and complicated. If you get a large item in the market round, you can still split it into 2 component items that can be combined into other items.


Besides, for those who are passionate about Guardian or Universe squads, they will also regret having to say goodbye to the 2 star generals Galaxy Planet, this is the planet that can help the generals get 3 stars one at a time. easier way.

2. Increased strength the last trigger of a number clan

Important changes and also 3 of the main purposes of this update, are aimed at increasing the strength of the difficult-to-reach system milestones of the clans. The first is 8 units of Battle Machine, the champion of this unit will deal up to 1000 more damage or heal when low health instead of 880 units as before.

Next are 2 extremely difficult activation milestones with 9 Rebellion and 9 Star Guardian that’s OK Riot keep an eye on. 9 Rebel will gain armor damage and armor from 330 and 15% -> 400 bonus armor from health and 20% bonus damage. Meanwhile, 9 Star Guardians with Syndra cards will be used almost continuously when the extra 45 mana will convert to 60 mana, this is also the maximum mana of many other Star Guardian generals.


One of the clans that has been steadily increasing in strength in recent times is Black Star This update is no exception. With 8 active milestones, Dark Star will take increased damage from 38 -> 48 for each champion unit killed. It must be said that the Black Star as well as the Pirate have always been the most favored clans when they have been continuously increased in strength for about 4 recent versions.

Finally, 6 Secret Spies will gain 30% bonus attack speed at the last active from 120% -> 150%. Although it is not easy to activate these milestones, here are the buffs Very valuable in-game and will no doubt help bring the Golden Spoon back to its heyday and hunt again.

Additionally, spacetime will continue to receive a small buff while bonus attack speed duration will be slightly reduced from 8/3.5/1.5/0.75 -> 8/3/1/0.5 seconds for every 15% speed hit plus. Tien Phong after a long time roaming in meta 10.15 will also be nerf base armor at the end from 1000 to 900.

3 Increase the power of a series of champions at the 3-star mark

In addition to increasing the maximum power for races, Riot also adds a lot of damage as well as beneficial effects to a variety of names spread from 1 to 5 gold. At the 1 gold mark, the very familiar frontline names of the squad include Illaoi, Leona, Malphite and Ziggs. Both Malphite and Leona will get a boost in resistance while Poppy and Ziggs will get a little boost in skill damage.


At the 2-star mark, some quite important generals of some Tribes and squads are also strengthened. With the Ahri Witch Tribe along with Annie will be increased from 50 to 100 damage, Annie alone also has an additional 100 bonus armor units.

3 units of Spacetime, Shen, Ezreal and Blitzcrank also receive additional beneficial buffs, especially the Gladiator robot. The bonus damage at 3 stars will be greatly increased from 850 -> 1337 skill damage, with such damage, it is completely possible for Blitzcrank to be able to one shot the enemy without supporting equipment. out.

The Pirate Vanguard lineup with important generals also continues to receive valuable buffs when increasing skill damage to Mordekaiser, Nautilus and Darius. In which Nautilus really became a force at the 3-star mark when the stun duration increased from 5s to 6s.


Similar to Time and Space, the 3 champions of the Tech race, Lucian, Vi and Vayne also receive additional skill damage. Meanwhile in the 4th and 5th gold classes, Gnar continues to gain bonus health as well as Riven greatly increases the bonus damage on the 3rd slash from 1000 to 1500 damage. Finally, Saintess Janna will receive a huge buff at the 3-star mark with the ability to stun from 1.5s to 8s.

4 Power up rarely used equipment

In addition to the buffs to increase the power for generals and Attributes / Tribes, Riot also did not forget to balance the power of disgraced equipment. The first is the equipment of the hand of justice, this equipment will be changed from 50 bonus health per hit to 50% bonus health from mixed damage (similar to the mechanics). of Blood Sword and Hextech Gun Sword) makes this equipment suitable for mech, Master Yi, …


Next is the item Hextech Gun Sword, now the excess health from the gun sword will be converted into armor (up to 400 health plus converted to armor) to help champions use skills Does mostly damage, has a bit more toughness in total teamfights.

The two fused items from Wooden Bow, Runaan’s Rage and Electric Knife, will continue to receive buffs. With Runaan’s Rage, this item will deal an additional 70% -> 75% of Runaan’s ray base damage. Meanwhile with Static Electric Knife, although the 3rd attack will be damaged, dealing 90 -> 85 more magic damage, but this item will deal 85 more true damage to armor or targets cause CC (stun, …).

This is considered a buff for this item at the end of the game to counter the Guardians, Rebels and is especially suitable for Ashe, one of the champions that promises to be born with this item. Finally, Sword Breaker will be increased from 25% -> 33% chance to disarm the target for 3 seconds, giving champions that depend on attack speed more control effects with this item.​

Source link: TFT: Top 8 important changes that gamers should note in version 10.16 (P.1)

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