Teamfight Tactics vs Dota Underlords, which is better?

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Since the huge success of Dota Auto Chess earlier this year, the two biggest MOBA game franchises in the world have created their own competitive versions. Both Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords are being developed and changed in the near future.

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However, Teamfight Tactics vs Dota Underlords have all shown completely separate personalities, calculations, and gameplay. Today we compare Teamfight Tactics vs Dota Underlords to determine which game has the better overall.

Dota underlords and dota underlords are so much better

Compare Teamfight Tactics vs Dota Underlords, which game is better?

1. Creativity

Both Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords have the basic gameplay of the Dota Auto Chess mod. However, there are also questionable motivations for making them, but it’s clear that both Valve and Riot put a lot of effort into each game. Both Teamfight Tactics and Underlords have a pre-planned, prepared gameplay style.

However, there is still a winner and that is clearly Tactics, a new League of Legends game mode that appears more innovative in the genre. This was the first auto-battler game that could move off the board. Underlords still relies a bit too deeply on the basic mode on Dota 2 and Dota Auto Chess.

2. Gameplay

While both games featured Auto Chess winning rules, each introduced some new mechanics. Teamfight Tactics brings the system of recipes from League of Legends to this mode.

For its part, Underlords has overall items and is more focused on strategic placement. Like Teamfight Tactics’ matching mechanics, Underlords makes players think before equipping units a lot, as the game basically doesn’t have a matchmaking mode and each unit can only be equipped with one item.

3. Accessibility

Up until yesterday, Underlords was clearly the winner in terms of being able to experience the game. Teamfight Tactics is only available to gamers who have access to the League of Legends PBE public test server. Even after logging in, gamers have to wait for hours or even days to experience it before the official launch.

With all that being said, both Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords are free for everyone, joining the fray is a breeze. However, Underlords is still somewhat more accessible as the game is available on mobile devices. Furthermore, players can connect their Steam accounts to their mobile phones.

4. Which game is better?

Really Teamfight Tactics vs Dota Underlords are two very different but equally fascinating games for the novel autobattler genre. Most players can enjoy great points from these 2 games.

Thus, you and Taimienphi have just reviewed the outstanding features, gameplay mechanics and accessibility of the 2 games Tactics vs Dota Underlords. Each game has its strengths and weaknesses, but that does not mean that they are less attractive in their own right.
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