Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 champion ranking from strong to weak

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After the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update came out, buffs and champion nefts turned the rankings of champions in the game up. So, the following article will update you with the latest 11.11 Teamfight Tactics champion rankings from strong to weak.

As you all know, the recently released Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update has brought many changes to the clan system, champions and equipment. In it, some generals have been buffed and some have been nerfed. This is to balance the game experience, but at the same time make the Teamfight Tactics – TFT champion rankings have certain changes.

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Teamfight Tactics – TFT General Strength Rating 11.11

I – Ranking and analysis of the strongest champion Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11

In the Arena of Truth, the generals are divided into the following ranks:
– S-tier: Super strong generals that gamers all want to have in their squad.
– A-tier: Champions that fit into a strong lineup in the meta.
– B-tier: Heroes are only strong in the right situations.
– Not on the list: Generals that are not very strong or do not fit into a strong squad. Gamers have other better options.

1. List of strong Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 generals at the beginning of the game

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– S-tier: Gragas, Hecarim, Kennen, Kha’Zix, Leblanc, Leona, Sett, Varus Warwick.
– A-tier: Aatrox, Brand, Kalista, Kled, Lissandra, Nautilus, Sejuani, Soraka, Thresh,Viktor, Vladimir, Ziggs.
– B-tier: Poppy, Syndra, Trundle, Udyr, Vayne.

2. List of strong Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 generals in the middle of the game

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– S-tier: Hecarim, Katarina, Kennen, Leblanc, Lux, Nautilus, Riven, Sett, Varus, Yasuo.
– A-tier: Aatrox, Ashe, Brand, Gragas, Kha’Zix, Leona, Lissandra, Lulu, Morgana, Nidalee, Nunu, Sejuani, Soraka, Thresh, Viktor, Warwick, Zyra.
– B-tier: Kalista, Kled, Lee Sin, Nocturne, Pantheon, Poppy, Syndra, Trundle, Udyr, Vayne, Vladimir, Ziggs.

3. List of strong Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 generals at the end of the game

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– S-tier: Aphelios, Darius, Diana, Draven, Garen, Heimerdinger, Ivern, Kayle, Kindred, Lux, Mordekaiser, Rell, Riven, Ryze, Taric, Teemo, Viego, Vel’Koz, Volibear, Yasuo.
– A-tier: Jax, Katarina, Karma, Lulu, Morgana, Nidalee, Nunu.
– B-tier: Ashe, Lee Sin, Lulu, Nocturne, Nunu, Riven, Zyra.

II – How has the rank of champions changed after Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update?

1. General 1 gold

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– Leona from A to S-tier
Leona is one of the best tankers in the game with great defensive items as a 1 gold champion.

– Ziggs from B to A-tier
While the Devils lineup isn’t particularly great, Ziggs is still a strong early game champion. The Devil makes Synergy very powerful and Ziggs does his job well as the early game DPS.

– Vayne from A to B-tier
We see less and less Vayne as time goes on. While Vayne can still provide Archery buffs to other champions, she’s gone unnoticed early game.

2. General 2 gold

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– Leblanc from A to S-tier
Leblanc nerfs seem to have made people no longer pay attention to this champion, but players soon realize that Leblanc is still as strong as ever. Even with another nerf in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update, we can expect her to stay strong.

– Varus from A to S-tier
Varus is a pretty strong champion. While transitioning to the Kayle lineup, Varus was still able to hold his own in Stage 4 and sometimes even Stage 5.

– Trundle from S to B-tier
Trundle used to be one of the strongest 2-star champions in the most recent update because Trundle can neutralize enemy champions with his skills. With the nerf in the latest update, don’t expect Trundle to perform as well as before.

3. General 3 gold

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– Riven from B to S-tier
This is a rather risky change. Riven is upgraded to S level and will be a very strong carry champion.

– Lulu from B to A-tier
Lulu shows some great abilities in the Mysterious Devils lineup. She’s not too top-notch, but she’s confirmed her role in the current meta.

– Pantheon from S to B-tier
The Pantheon underwent an overhaul in the previous update. With the nerf in this update, it is possible that Pantheon has fallen quite a bit in battle.

4. General 4 gold

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– Ivern from A to S-tier
Ivern gets more attention with the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update. Hopefully more players will love the Evil God and the Wizard because the generals in this clan already have some small buffs.

– Vel’Koz from A to S-tier
Vel’Koz used to be one of the four-star generals with a not-so-great performance, but that quickly changed when players figured out how to build and build squads with Vel’Koz’s presence.

– Taric from A to S-tier
Taric isn’t very popular in the meta unless he’s on Kayle’s roster. It seems a lot of people are having ideas about building stronger frontlines with champions like Taric.

– Jax from S to A-tier
Jax will still be a great carry, but with the Warrior nerf in this latest update, don’t expect Jax to be on par with other 4-gold champions.

– Karma from S to A-tier
Karma hasn’t changed much, but with the changes to the Herald race in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.10 update, we’re seeing less and less of her. Karma is still as great as ever, but looks a bit underwhelming compared to other 4 gold champions.

5. General 5 gold

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– Teemo and Volibear from A to S-tier

In’s opinion, all 5 gold champions are in a good position and all deserve an S rating. Teemo has had a chance to show more as the kill main spells at the end of the game, and Volibear is still played quite a lot in Gladiator squads. Tactics – TFT-11-11-63233n.aspx
As such, you can see some changes in the rankings of strong champions in Teamfight Tactics through the newly released Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 update. Surely, the upcoming update will bring even more surprises to the game’s meta. Besides, please study the top Teamfight Tactics – TFT lineup 11.11 the strongest to have a suitable play, bring the victory for themselves.

Related keywords:

Teamfight Tactics – TFT champion rankings 11.11

Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 champion ranking, Teamfight Tactics – TFT 11.11 champion strength ranking,

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