Studio Obsidian talks about gameplay, DLC and characters for The Outer Worlds

Gameplay The Outer Worlds của Obsidian

Obsidian’s Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky answered some questions and provided useful information about The Outer Worlds.

The announcement of The Outer Worlds was seen by many as a counterattack to Bethesda, but directors Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky denied the rumour: the release date was just “coincidence”. This is one of the questions Cain and Boyarsky answered in their last interview. Other topics include Microsoft’s acquisition of Obsidian Entertainment, gameplay features, character tweaks, and more in The Outer Worlds.

After The Outer Worlds gameplay was announced, many weren’t sure if the game would have a third-person option, but Cain and Boyarsky say the game won’t. The two were asked if aliens would appear in the game and while they are not actually present in the game, Boyarsky confirmed that The Outer Worlds will feature other forms of aliens.

In addition, with the exception of the moon, space stations, meteorites and asteroids, the player has the option to move between two distinct “worlds”. Not to mention, the game will have a reputation system that players need to pay attention to.

A lot of questions were asked during the interview about the game’s character customization feature, and it seems that players will have quite a bit of freedom in this regard. Other important topics answered by the two directors include that Obsidian wants players to have the option to “mod” the game, and that the studio “hopes” the game will hit 60 fps on consoles, along with 4K resolution. Cain and Boyarsky also said DLC worlds could also be considered in the future.

While The Outer Worlds had only been announced two months ago, Cain guarantees the game will launch in 2019. Obviously this is great news but we can’t be sure it will be a great game until it is officially released. eye.

The Outer Worlds is due out in 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source link: Studio Obsidian talks about gameplay, DLC and characters for The Outer Worlds

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