Shocked with female streamer playing League of Legends “forgot to eat and sleep” continuously for 78 hours to get out of Bronze IV rank nu streamer choi lmht 78 tieng 7 - Emergenceingame

Sitting for hours to plowing League of Legends It’s not something that’s too strange for you gamerbut to play continuously for 78 hours is not something that many streamer or gamers can do especially for women.

Recently, one female streamer name is, has a name which is Moonwol there were sessions stream for dozens of hours, making viewers unable to help but admire.

Perhaps being stuck in Bronze rank It’s been too long, so in one day, she got out of this quagmire, but she decided to stream until she got ranked. After the first day climb rank then she only stopped at Dong IV 48 points even though she played 47 hours in a row. Partly because she chooses a support position like Yuumi or Sona, partly because of her teammates AFK too much.


On the 2nd day, things got a bit better when Moonwol didn’t see many teammates anymore troll game or AFK, but it took her 31 hours to rise from Bronze IV to Bronze III.

Fortunately, after a period of 78 hours of plowing in front of the computer screen, she also escaped from the “veteran” Bronze IV rank.

Not only has an “extraordinary energy”, but Moonwol also possesses an extremely beautiful beauty that is enough to captivate many male gamers. Let’s see some more pictures of beautiful female streamer here you go.


Source link: Shocked with female streamer playing League of Legends “forgot to eat and sleep” continuously for 78 hours to get out of Bronze IV rank

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