Set up a society to steal money from a loan application on social networks

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Many social networking groups show how to steal loans from loan applications.

In recent years, many lending platforms have turned into black credit, lending with high interest rates. When borrowers are unable to repay or are late, gangster-style debt collectors appear, terrorizing victims in all sorts of ways. They call victims, call relatives and friends, and even post pictures of debt collection on social networks.

Currently, the problem of black credit hiding in the shadow of a lending platform still exists because the demand of borrowers is very high. Many people need a quick loan, a small amount, but do not qualify for a bank loan, so they have come to these platforms.

Because loan applications exist silently, many people have been deceived by fake applications. Others were stigmatized for their inability to pay their debts.

Set up a society to steal money from a loan application on social networks

An association to share how to “burst” money on loan applications.

To deal with the above problem, many groups on social networks have been set up to denounce fraudulent apps and teach how to deal with black credit. However, in these groups, there is still a situation of distortion, taking advantage of dealing with black credit to defraud lenders, borrow and then not repay.

In a group on a social network, the administrator posts a public post: get support for an app loan and “boom” the app, don’t disturb your loved ones, don’t post Facebook pictures.

Set up a society to steal money from a loan application on social networks

The administrator of a group that shows how to “blow” the app.

The above content becomes the operating criteria of the group. Team members often exchange ways to get approved for loans from applications, then find ways to “burn” money.

Applications, when installed on the borrower’s phone, will require access to contacts, the right to view social network accounts such as Facebook or Zalo. The above content becomes the operating criteria of the group. Team members often exchange ways to get approved for loans from applications, then find ways to “burn” money.

Then, when the borrower does not pay, the debt collection team will call relatives and friends in the phone book to psychologically terrorize the borrower and force the borrower to pay the debt.

In addition, these people can take pictures, personal information and friends on social networks of the borrower to post information that defames the debtor.

That is not to mention, once the borrower does not pay, the information may be uploaded to the CIC system (Credit Information Center) of the State Bank, making it difficult to make loans later.

For each of these specific cases, the members of these groups have their own ways of dealing with them.

According to the shared image, the common question among the groups is whether application A and platform B can be “raised”, can “swallow” or “burst”.

Set up a society to steal money from a loan application on social networks

Typically, platforms give individual credit scores based on the information gathered. Credit score will be low on the first loan, leading to low loan approval, usually at a few million dong.

With regular interest payments and early loan payments, a person is more likely to get a loan next time. Therefore, inexperienced people often ask former members which platforms are easy to “raise”, in order to be approved for high-level loans. And is it easy to “flash” or not, after “boom” to be called a terrorist, post a Facebook photo, be “sticked” by CIC or not.

According to the image of some people posting to the group, they upload loan information to many applications at the same time to have the highest chance of getting a loan, receiving the most total money.

After getting a loan, some people asked how to deal with being called for debt reminders, having photos posted online, and being asked for money at home.

To deal with being called, many people install call blocking applications, even reporting the other phone number to the national switchboard against spam calls and spam messages. Some even publish the debt collector’s phone number for people to call to attack.

In many cases, people who are late to pay will face the situation of being called to friends and relatives to shame them. At this time, according to the “experts” in the group, the borrower can play the role of the victim, claiming that his account has been hacked but not borrowed, and at the same time, calling himself a victim of black credit.

To deal with being posted on Facebook, many people are very meticulous when creating new social network accounts, creating new personal information.

In this group, there are also objects for sale of identity cards, for sale of Facebook accounts, for creating fake documents, etc. to provide applications when approving loans.

Set up a social network to steal money from loan applications

A person who offers photo editing services to trick lenders.

Because credit operations on the app are now complicated, many shortcomings still exist. Quite a few people are threatened by black credit, many others are scammed of money, and there is a whole group of people who cheat on loan applications to gain illicit profits. However, many people advise against “exploding” some well-known platforms in the market, because these companies are linked to the CIC system. If deliberately ruffled will be assigned bad debt, can not borrow the next time. However, a few people still boast that they have “swallowed” 50-60 million VND from nearly a dozen apps, regardless of whether the app is “sticky” to CIC or not.

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