Riot is about to adjust the power and equipment for the ADC position

Riot is about to adjust the power and equipment for the ADC position

Infinity Sword is dead.

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Image of Riot Games

If any ADC main was asked if their position is getting stronger than it needs to be? The answer will probably be “no”, what is too strong is equipment and a few specific ADC champions. (like Ezreal for example).

However, the game meta has revolved around ADC alone for months, and Riot has made an announcement that perhaps young ADC players probably won’t like at all – dependency and The trust of the whole team that the ADCs are forced to shoulder is because they are SO STRONG.

Reworks, nerfs are spreading, and new items are coming to the Arena of Justice soon.

One of the basic issues that Riot has listed in its post on the official international LoL forum is the power threshold of ADCs. In other words, it’s the point of the game when the ADC is the main damage dealer and becomes the most valuable position in the squad. Overall, Riot is thinking that they hit that power threshold too soon. To correct the mistake, Infinity Sword will be nerfed to the end of Infinity, maybe Infinity Sword will have new features and passives.

That’s not all that Riot is trying to do. Super-grade Gems Speedy Footsteps, equipment made from Twin Swords, and basic health recovery will all be reduced in strength in the near future. By taking away tons of survival tools, Riot forces ADC players to take risks and take more risks. This means that ADC will be forced to rely on Support and Tank for protection and possibly damage.

According to Riot, there are too many ADC champions being forced into the tendency to build critical damage items, even if it is not the most optimal choice according to the situation of each game. As a workaround for the non-critical build, there will be tweaks to buff items like Sword of the Unknown King, Bloodsword, and Blue Bow. In the future, the Gunner’s equipment will have an additional non-critical item made from the BF sword and the Overwhelming Gem will have a super gem that roughly translates to Hail of Blades designed to target the Archer position. Prime.

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Stormrazor – item that doesn’t crit at all

These non-crit items and the Sword Storm rune are primarily for ADCs, but according to the post, Physical Assassins as well as Gladiators will also make good use of these new items and runes.

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Like these two assassins for example

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Source link: Riot is about to adjust the power and equipment for the ADC position

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