Put an ice cube on the CPU, the phenomenon occurs to see how “top” the CPU is to dissipate heat

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The ice melts quickly with superhuman speed, that’s how you know the CPU has surprisingly great heat dissipation.

A YouTuber placed an ice cube on an inactive CPU surface, resulting in the ice melting at the same speed as an ex turned over.

Accordingly, YouTuber named “mryeester” posted a 15-second video showing what happens when you put an ice cube on the CPU, and the results will probably make many of you unbelievable. my eyes.

As far as I can see, the CPU is placed on a wooden table and does not work, then mryeester put an ice cube on the CPU surface. Of course, we all know that when we put ice on the CPU, the ice will melt into water, but what we did not expect is that the melting speed of the ice cube is very fast, as if you put a scraping iron in a high speed grinder.

According to mryeester shared, the video was shot in real time, without using any fast-forward tricks. In addition, the entire experiment was performed at room temperature.

Put an ice cube on the CPU, the phenomenon occurs to see that the CPU is extremely heat-dissipating "top" to what extent?

Many people have commented under the video that they do not believe this is true and accused mryeester of editing this video. However, there are also some people who have tried and confirmed that when placing an ice cube on the CPU surface, the ice cube immediately melts at a fast rate, and the CPU surface is also much colder afterwards.

Put an ice cube on the CPU, the phenomenon occurs to see that the CPU is extremely heat-dissipating "top" to what extent?

To explain this problem, there is a part in the CPU’s structure called IHS, which stands for Integrated Heat Spreader. This is the outer metal heatsink cover that protects the CPU die, as well as conducts heat from the CPU die to the cooling components, such as air coolers or water coolers. Since metal has good thermal conductivity, and heat conduction tends to move from high temperature to low temperature, so the heat from the CPU die (higher temperature) will be transferred into the pellet. Ice cold (lower temperature) passes through IHS very quickly, causing the melting rate of ice cubes to follow.


– YouTuber “mryeester” posted a 15-second video showing what happens when you put an ice cube on the CPU.

– The CPU was placed on a wooden table and did not work, then mryeester put an ice cube on the CPU surface. As a result, the ice melts quickly.

– “mryeester” shares the video recorded in real time without using any fast-forward tricks. In addition, the entire experiment was performed at room temperature.

– The reason is that the metal IHS conducts heat from the CPU die and transfers it to the ice at such a fast rate that the ice melts in an instant.

According to GVN360

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Source link: Put an ice cube on the CPU, the phenomenon occurs to see how “top” the CPU is to dissipate heat
– Emergenceingames.com

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