Pictures of 10 Apex Legends characters that have not been released in the game yet

Pictures of 10 Apex Legends characters that have not been released in the game yet

We’ve got more information about 8 new names that will appear with existing Legends in Apex Legends.

According to leaked data, a total of 10 Legends have not been announced – including the two names Octance and Wattson that have been discussed recently.

- Emergenceingame

- Emergenceingame

- Emergenceingame

Sargent179, who found the images above, also tried to create images of how the characters would appear in the game.

- Emergenceingame

We currently do not know the release schedule of new Legends in Apex. Respawn Entertainment has confirmed each Season – four seasons in total in 2019 – will feature new Legends, but how many Legends in each season have yet to be announced.

However, it seems that Octan will be the first Legend to appear in Season 1 based on a lot of information about this character.

If the number of Legends is really that much and being developed, there is a high chance that each season will have two or maybe three Legends. After Octane, Wattson is seen as the next potential Legend to emerge.

Let’s wait for more information about Season 1 of Apex Legends in the near future.

Source link: Pictures of 10 Apex Legends characters that have not been released in the game yet

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