Password protection with LastPass browsing on Chrome

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Currently, most users save passwords to Google Chrome or Firefox browsers to automatically log in when needed. However, this will be very dangerous to your account, because just 2 simple steps others can know the password. So what is the way to protect saved passwords when surfing the web? Refer to the steps below for more details.

Unless you use Master Password, there’s no way to detect your password if it’s saved in the browser. Therefore, to protect saved passwords while surfing the web, many users have considered using an online password manager. Please refer to the steps below for more details.

Password protection with LastPass browsing on Chrome

Note: This article is done on Chrome browser. If you use another browser Chrome also do the same.

Step 1: First you access the Chrome Web Store, then search for the keyword Last Pass.

Always protect your skin when accessing the web

Step 2: Next you download and install the utility on the browser.

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Step 3: After installation, click on the Lastpass icon and then select Create an account now to register.

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Fill out the registration form completely and then click the button Create Account to create an account.

Protect your website when you

Enter the password again and press Create Account.

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From now on, every time you save a password, you save it to Last Pass instead of the browser, the password will be secure.

bao ve mat khau da luu luot web 6 - Emergenceingame
So has just introduced to you how to protect saved passwords when surfing the web. If you use Firefox, you can refer to how to use master password. However, with Lass Past, you can use it on any browser, there is even a software version on your computer. Also please refer toway password manager on Firefox for better password management when browsing with Firefox browser

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Always protect your skin when accessing the web

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Source link: Password protection with LastPass browsing on Chrome

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