Overwatch: Junkertown Queen could be the next hero in the game

Overwatch: Junkertown Queen could be the next hero in the game
Overwatch Junkertown Queen có thể là hero ra mắt tiếp theo trong game - Emergenceingame

Her voice has only been heard through speakers in the Junkertown map. But some Overwatch fans already believe that Junkertown Queen will be the game’s 28th hero.

Blizzard just released the mysterious secret message last week. The picture, titled “Posters,” was posted with the caption “Calm before the storm” on June 21. There’s a lot of information to research here. Many fans have been eyeing the poster for the uncle when – many believe it to be “Specimen 8” or Hammond – the monkey escaped the moon with Winston.

Junkertown Queen có thể là hero ra mắt tiếp theo trong game - Emergenceingame

But there is also another interesting poster, located in the right corner of the picture. Although it was not conspicuous, it seemed to be the silhouette of the Junkertown Queen. With the text below saying “yard”, but we can fully confirm that it is “Scrapyard”, the area in Junkertown is used as an arena. This is where the Junkertown Queen rules.

These posters can mean a lot – it could be the new Overwatch map – but we have many reasons to believe it is the new hero. Over the weekend, Blizzard removed the Junkertown Queen voicelines from the Junker Town map.

Fans believe that the game cannot have intermediate voicelines from a playable character on the Overwatch map; it will confuse the player. Many people go back to the mention of Brigitte. When Birgitte talked about someone named Emre Sarioglu, many fans at first thought that this was the 27th hero. Or the monkey picture could also be about Hammond.

We will soon know if the fan theory is correct or not. Blizzard usually doesn’t hide information for too long and will soon post new clues. Brigitte was first revealed on February 22 before her details were revealed six days later on February 28. So everything could be known as soon as a week back.

Source: Reddit

Source link: Overwatch: Junkertown Queen could be the next hero in the game
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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