Onmyouji Tactical version suddenly revealed Mobile

Am Duong Su phien ban chien thuat bat ngo lo dien Mobile2e13f5a00aed4a53 - Emergenceingame

NetEase trying to cover IP Onmyoji with games like Onmyoji Chess, Onmyoji: Yokai House and most recently Onmyoji: The Card Game on mobile. Netease’s new card game lets players create their own decks of cards from Onmyoji’s characters. Onmyoji: The Card Game looks complicated at first glance, but once you try it, you will find the game is quite simple.

Instructions for newbies:

● Each deck consists of 4 characters (fights with less than 4 characters in the video above are practice battles only).

● Each character owns 9 magic cards, a deck of cards will contain 40 magic cards.

● When the game starts, 4 characters appear in the rest area with 5 starting cards (all magic cards).

● The icons at the top left of each card indicate the level of the card. For example, a level 2 character can only use a level 1 or 2 magic card.


● The icons also have different colors. Only characters with a red icon can use red magic. The game will automatically mark the spells the character can use (the interface is very beginner-friendly).

● Player can level up character after few rounds.

● The player can only take 2 actions per round, although the action bar can be filled with special spell cards.

● The destroyed character will be resurrected after a few rounds, the player also has a magic card to revive the character.


Source link: Onmyouji Tactical version suddenly revealed Mobile
– Emergenceingames.com

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