Ninja speaks out against Fortnite rehab

Ninja speaks out against Fortnite rehab

Popular Fortnite: Battle Royale streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins seems very disgruntled about the way Fortnite is portrayed in a short video on Twitter.

In TicToc’s response, saying that Fortnite addiction had become a problem serious enough that some families had to send their children to rehab, Ninja hit back.

He said, “The title of the article should be ‘Loose parents who don’t know how to get their children’s computers back'”

The 39-second TicToc video vaguely states that some children play Fortnite too much, but more details about Fortnite addiction were published in its newspaper by Bloomberg on November 27.

The article said that 17-year-old Carson, son of Debbie Vitany, is addicted to this battle royale game, often playing 12 hours a day. The boy’s play habits caused him to fall asleep in class and his grades dropped. Vitany said she has never seen a video game “that can control children’s minds like that.”

British behavioral expert Lorraine Marer also said that Fortnite is like heroin, explaining that Fortnite is difficult to “give up” once you get hooked on the game.

Michael Jacobus, who works with children with video game addiction, said that 70 of the 120 kids he worked with over the summer were playing Fortnite “excessively”, but did not say exactly how long they played. What is this.

Jacobus plans to work with many more children who are treated through detox technology, healthy eating, sleeping, and groups.

While there aren’t too many studies that show Fortnite is more addictive than other games, more and more parents are concerned about their children’s gaming habits.

According to Dotesports

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