Mistakes to avoid when playing I Am Fish

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I Am Fish is a game that looks simple but you can hardly finish if you make a mistake. Here are the Errors to avoid when playing the game I Am Fish.

Avoid the following errors when downloading I Am Fish, you will have a great game experience
Avoid the following errors when downloading I Am Fish, you will have a great game experience

Common mistakes when playing I Am Fish

  • 0 first

    “Landing” on a hard surface

    Choosing a wise landing position is very important when playing I Am Fish
    Choosing a wise landing position is very important when playing I Am Fish

    Moving in the game I Am Fish really needs the dexterity of the hands. It is even more difficult when you need to observe the position of the fish. Remember, your fish is in a glass jar, so pay attention to how damaged it is. If the drop is strong, the fish tank/bottle/jar may break and of course, you have to start over.

    To avoid this, look for something like a mat or soft surface. “Land” down there, the fish will be safe.

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    Don’t use your full potential

    Flying fish in the game I Am Fish
    Flying fish in the game I Am Fish

    I Am Fish has a unique way to change things up when the player switches between different fish species. 4 fish species in the game I Am Fish include: goldfish, puffer fish, piranha and flying fish. While goldfish have no special abilities, other species have their own unique attacks. Specifically:

    • Rolling snakehead fish
    • Piranha fish bite
    • Flying fish easily fly in the air for long distances

    Making good use of the skills of each fish will help you reach your destination safely and faster.

  • Fish die when they stay away from water for too long
    Fish die when away from water for too long

    Dry fish when playing I Am Fish game usually happens when you leave it far away from the water source for too long. After a while, the screen will gradually turn black and game over appears.

    However, you can avoid this I Am Fish error by paying attention to your surroundings to find a way to temporarily sustain the fish in an emergency, such as rolling a puffer into a puddle. small. I Am Fish also has a section dedicated to flying fish jumping between water checkpoints.

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    Move quickly when you see seagulls

    Seagulls are the main enemies of fish in I Am Fish
    Seagulls are the main enemies of fish in I Am Fish

    In addition to humans, seagulls are also dangerous enemies with fish in the game I Am Fish. They directly attack the fish in the tank. Each time the seagulls peck at the jar, they can break, causing the fish to lose its water source and quickly fall into the abdomen of the enemy.

    To avoid this danger, you need to move cautiously when you see seagulls. Going too fast only draws the attention of the enemy. If you are controlling the fish safely, you will see a red seagull icon.

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    Don’t take into account motivation

    Ignoring motivation is a mistake many people make when playing I Am Fish
    Ignoring motivation is a mistake many people make when playing I Am Fish

    Moves in I Am Fish are similar to Super Monkey Ball. As such, you must take into account the dynamics of the container. This is the key to success when playing I Am Fish.

    For example, when leading the fish down a hill, don’t let the jar roll too quickly forward. When going up, you need to create thrust. The only case where you don’t need to factor in the dynamics is when the fish swims in open water. With good control of the dynamics, your adventure in I Am Fish will be easier and smoother.

  • Here are some errors and how to fix them when Play I Am Fish game. You can download game I Am Fish on Steam to play this fascinating fish home game.

Source link: Mistakes to avoid when playing I Am Fish
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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