Metro 2033 movie was canceled because the script wanted to ‘Americanize’ the movie

Phim Metro 2033

If “Americanize” it will lose the quality of the Metro game series…

The film based on the popular game Metro 2033 that was first announced in 2016 has been discontinued and the production rights to the film have been handed over to Dmitry Glukhovsky, the author of the 2005 novel series on which the film was intended to be based. According to Glukhovsky, the reason is that screenwriter F. Scott Frazier plans to “Americanize” the film’s setting, moving from Moscow to Washington DC.

“A lot of things can’t happen in Washington DC,” Glukhovsky said. “In Washington DC, there can be no Nazis, neither Communists nor Dark Ones. Washington DC is basically just a black city.”

“They were forced to replace the Dark Ones with some sort of random creature and if they weren’t human the whole story couldn’t be conveyed, which is important. They’re going to turn it into a movie that’s too generic.”

According to the novel, the conflict between the Nazis and the Communists is the main focus of the game, and the Dark Ones play a big part in this: they’re the evil side, but they’re not, and you ultimately decide to destroy them. they…

Glukhovsky said that MGM decided to set the film in the US because “Americans like plots that are related to America.” But the thing that attracts the most from Metro games is the greatness of the Russians: gloomy, tired, exhausted, hopeless but ready to get up tomorrow like a soldier, holding AK and the other hand. holding a bottle of Vodka. It’s the usual way people think about them, but it’s also the crux of Metro games.

That’s what game fans really want to see from the movie.

“With Metro Last Light and Metro 2033 – both the book and the game – selling millions, millions of copies worldwide, it wouldn’t have sold as well if it hadn’t been for the plot in Moscow because that’s what makes it unique. to attract people,” Glukhovsky said, “We’ve seen too many post-apocalyptic American films and audiences have seen too much of it and don’t really want to see more.”

Glukhovsky said he is “optimistic” about a Metro 2033 movie being produced and hopes the upcoming Metro Exodus game will help the series become more known. Metro Exodus will launch on February 22, 2019.

By PC Gamer

Source link: Metro 2033 movie was canceled because the script wanted to ‘Americanize’ the movie

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