League of Legends: Viktor, Malzahar, Nocturne and the Summoner spell have upgraded skill effects

gamehub.vn thay doi hieu ung ky nang 1 - Emergenceingame

first. Viktor

Skill E – Death Ray is the focus of this visual update of Viktor. Compare to effect old version, the new version of Deadly Ray clearly looks much more powerful and beautiful. Version upgrade The Tech Core with the trail of fire left on the ground is also particularly excellent.

2. Malzahar

Out of the 3 generals receive update VFX, then Malzahar is probably the name that has changed the most. All of this champion’s moves are refreshed with very eye-catching effects, including normal attack animations (except for the Void Bug’s appearance).

3. Nocturne

Not to the point of “running out of martial arts” like Viktor and Malzahar, Nocturne is still a pretty effective situational pick in the professional arena, and is also popular at single ranking. Basically, this champion’s skill set does not bring too many eye-catching visual effects, and has not shown any signs of being outdated. However, Riot Games still decided to update the skill effect new for the ancient devil, perhaps for the sake of… selling skins later.

4. Summoner Spells Burn

Besides, the Summoner Spell is also on the updated list of visual effects. Ignite’s new effects will become more in sync with the current graphics platform of League of Legendsin addition to the first priority purpose of Riot is to make this summoner’s display more visible and recognizable.​

Source link: League of Legends: Viktor, Malzahar, Nocturne and the Summoner spell have upgraded skill effects
– Emergenceingames.com

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