League of Legends: Top 3 top lane champions that are easiest to inhibit when encountered

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first. Quinn

In the laning phase, Quinn’s annoying ability is “up to the roof” as she constantly pokes at her short-armed enemies. If the passive’s Focus shots can be activated, the poke damage is extremely high. Even when approached by an opponent, Quinn simply launches an Strike (E) that distances the enemy, continuing to poke and deal damage with his skills and basic attacks.


When he reached level 6, Quinn’s annoyance spread to other lanes with walking ability roam his speed. The enemy just ignored for a few seconds, forgot to ping, Quinn was already in the mid lane to gank then, if you don’t get a kill, Quinn can also get a large amount of health and put pressure on the opponent.

In the late game, if participating in teamfights, Quinn can also deal damage like a true marksman. Otherwise, Quinn can also go split pushing with his pretty quality skill set.

About the jade board, many gamer Challenge Han uses Phase Acceleration combined with the Exhaustion spell to fly the opponent’s kite early. There are also some people who use Electric Shock + Ignite to get First Siege more easily.

2. Singed


This is one of the generals Most hated top lane because of his escape style. In the early stages, most short-armed opponents find it very difficult to reach Singed, and if they do, they will be knocked out and burned by Poison Smoke (Q). While laning, Singed can switch to minion blocking if he feels that the enemy jungle and solo lane opponent can’t take him down. Because chasing Singed is very time-consuming, losing resources when you can’t farm, not to mention that if you chase for too long and can’t beat it, you can die backwards because of Singed’s poison.

At a later stage, Singed’s playstyle will change from blocking minions to blocking champions. Because when accelerated with the passive Wind Tear, Singed can approach opponents very quickly, if the target is hit by Super Sticky Glue (W) by Singed, it will be tied and usually “discolor” immediately. by teammate Singed.

3. Teemo


During the laning phase, Teemo can continuously pressure the opponent with basic attacks, if he is close and attacked, Teemo will launch Blind Darts (Q) to make the enemy lose damage if traded. hand damage.

At level 6, Teemo can place mushrooms full of sugar, constantly enticing opponents to kick mushrooms or suffer from Teemo’s “head and neck” in the top lane. Not strong in the ranks high rankhowever, at the steps low rank Teemo is a nightmare for many people. Because at low ranks, the percentage of players buying Control Eyes and Scanners is extremely low, so it is very common to step on mushrooms and die.

In a big goal dispute, the enemy team can lose a lot of health while controlling vision, let alone during combat. So Teemo and his teammates can “death” in their mushroom array and use a large target as bait, if the enemy comes, it’s fine to fight or back because there are mushrooms to hold the enemy.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 3 top lane champions that are easiest to inhibit when encountered
– Emergenceingames.com

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